Hyppää pääsisältöön

Katri Sieberg

professori, Pohjois-Amerikan tutkimus

Oma esittely

Ph.D. New York University, September, 1998 

Visiting Student, University of Chicago, 1996-7.

Visiting Scholar, University of North Carolina, Political Science, 1995-1996

MS Political Science and Economics, California Institute of Technology1992

BA, Northwestern University 1990


Toimin Pohjois-Amerikan tutkimuksen prosessorina ja vastuullani on kansainväliseen maisteriohjelmaan Social Science Research kuuluvan Public Policy Analysis opintosuunnan johtaminen.

Osaamisalueiden kuvaus

Tutkimukseni on keskittynyt kokeelliseen taloustieteeseen ja terveydenhuollon taloustieteeseen. Käytän kokeellisia menetelmiä selvittääkseni, kuinka hyvin teoriamme toimivat. Kehitän ja avarran teorioita, kun testit paljastavat, että ihmiset eivät toimi odotetulla tavalla.

Terveydenhuollon tutkimuksessani tarkastellaan tehokkuutta ja kattavuutta erityyppisissä terveydenhuoltolaitoksissa. Tutkin myös terveydenhuoltojärjestelmien kannustimia eri toimijoille – lääkäreille, potilaille, hallintoviranomaisille, vakuutuksenantajille jne.

Olen käyttänyt taloustieteitä tutkiessani rikospolitiikkaa. Olen myös tehnyt laajaa sosiaalisten valintojen tutkimusta selvittääkseni, miten erilaiset äänestystavat tai -mekanismit voivat vaikuttaa tuloksiin.

Tärkeimmät saavutukset

Yrjö Jahnssonin säätiö. 2022. Healthcare Economics. Grant total 8000€. 

Sustainable Welfare Systems (SWS) research program Seed Funding. Tampere University. 2022 Healthcare Economics. Grant total 20000€

Jane ja Aatos Erkkon Säätiö, American Studies Workshop, 2016-18, 300,000€

Jane ja Aatos Erkkon Säätiö, American Studies Workshop, 2013-4, 206,000€.

Jane ja Aatos Erkkon Säätiö, American Studies Workshop, 2012, 103,000€.

Jane ja Aatos Erkkon Säätiö, American Studies Summer School, 2010-2011, 210,000€.

U.S. National Science Foundation, “Collaborative Research: Experimental Assessment of the Bargaining Model of War,” PIs: David Clark, Charles Holt, Timothy Nordstrom, William Reed, and Katri Sieberg. $300,000.


Tärkeimmät saavutukset kohdassa

Merkittävimmät julkaisut


Karunadasa, M.; Sieberg, K.K.; Jantunen, T.T.K. Payment Systems, Supplier-Induced Demand, and Service Quality in Credence Goods: Results from a Laboratory Experiment. Games 2023, 14, 46. https://doi.org/10.3390/g14030046

V. Jokipalo & K. Sieberg. 2023. “Power, Responsibility and Social Policy: The Impact of Basic Income in a Competitive Experimental Labor Market,” chapter 5, to appear, in M. Leroch & F. Rupp (Eds.): Power and Responsibility: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century in Honor of Manfred J. Holler, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-23015-8.


Holt, Charles A. and Katri K. Sieberg. 2022. "Bargaining, Fairness and Conflict," Homo Oeconomicus. 10.1007/s41412-022-00130-x Link 


Anderson, L.R.; Holt, C.A.; Sieberg, K.K.; Freeborn, B.A. "An Experimental Study of Strategic Voting and Accuracy of Verdicts with Sequential and Simultaneous Voting." Games 2022, 13, 26. https://doi.org/10.3390/g13020026


Herne, Kaisa, Ryan Kendall, Katri K. Sieberg and Maria Maunula. 2021. „Do the Rules to Select Rules Matter? An Experimental Analysis of Voting Rule Selection.” Munich Social Science Review, New Series, vol. 4, 55-92.


“An Experimental Study of Jury Voting Behavior,” with Lisa R. Anderson, Charles A. Holt and Allison Oldham. in N. Schofield, G. Caballero (eds.), The Political Economy of Governance, Studies in Political Economy, Springer International Publishing, 2015.


“An Experimental Analysis of Asymmetric Power in Conflict Bargaining” with David Clark, Charles A. Holt, Timothy Nordstrom, and William Reed. Games 4(3): 375-397.


Link: Two StageBargaining 


Eckel, Catherine, Jean Ensminger, Roland Fryer, Ronald Heiner, Melayne Morgan McInnes, Gavin Samms, Katri Sieberg, Sara Solnick, Rick Wilson. 2003. “Bobbing for Widgets: Compensating Wage Differentials,” Journal of Economic Education. 


Social Choice:


“Probability and Plausibility of Cycles in Three-party Systems: A Mathematical Formulation and Application,” With Michael D. McDonald, British Journal of Political Science, 41 (03): 681-692

A link: Cycles Paper 


 Sieberg, Katri K. 2011. “Building a Dictator: A Social Choice Analysis of the Line Item Veto,” in Essays in Honor of Hannu Nurmi, Volume II. Holler, M. J., A. Nohn, and H. Vartiainen, Eds. (Peer Reviewed). Homo Oeconomicus, Vol. 28 (1/2): 123-142. 


Saari, Donald G. and Sieberg, Katri K. 2003, "Are part wise comparisons reliable?" Research in Engineering Design.


Saari, Donald G. and Sieberg, Katri K. 2001. “The Sum of the Parts Violates the Whole,” American Political Science Review, Vol. 95, No. 2, June, 415-433. 


Saari, Donald G. and Sieberg, Katri K. 2001. “Some Surprising Properties of Power Indices,” Games and Economic Behavior, Fall, pp. 241-263. 



Game Theory: 


Saari Donald G. and Katri K. Sieberg. 2024. ”New Tools for Game Theory,” Munich Social Science Review, New Series, Vol 8. ISSN 0170-2521, ISBN  978-3-88278-317-9.


 “Information and Cooperation,” Homo Oeconomicus 29(4). 2013.

Link:Information Paper 


 “Resistance is Futile!: Impacts of Repression on Dissident Activity.” in The Serious Game of Politics, Festschrift for Matti Wiberg, Tapio Raunio and Hannu Nurmi, Eds, Finnish Political Science Association.

Link: Dissent Paper  


William Heller and I have a series of papers that using evolutionary game theory to understand the evolution of norms.


“Functional Unpleasantness: the evolutionary logic of righteous resentment,” Public Choice, 135: 399-413. 2008.

A link: FU Factor 1  


“Honor among thieves: Cooperation as a strategic response to functional unpleasantness,” European Journal of Political Economy, 2009.

A link: FU Factor 2 


Policy Analysis:


Sieberg, Katri K. 2005. Criminal Dilemmas: Understanding and Preventing Crime, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag.

Criminal Dilemmas: Understanding and Preventing Crime, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag, 1995.


 Health Care Policy:


“Kustannustehokuuden ja kattavuuden ongelmat Yhdysvaltain terveydenhuollossa,” with Olga Shvestosva, Binghamton University

Linkki Cost Efficiency Paper 

The same paper in English, “Cost efficiency and coverage problems in US healthcare,” with Olga Shvetsova: English Version 


Laamanen, Jani-Petri, Mikko Poutanen and Katri Sieberg. 2017. ”Is There a Doctor in the House?” in Norman Schofield and Gonzalo Caballero eds. State, Institutions and Democracy: Contributions of Political Economy, Springer Verlag 225-251.


“Deciding How to Choose the US Healthcare System,” in Norman Schofield, Gonzalo Caballero and Daniel Kselman eds. Advances in Political Economy: Institutions, Modelling and Empirical Analysis, Springer Verlag, 2013.

A link: Choose the Healthcare System