Hyppää pääsisältöön

Nannan Xi

apulaisprofessori (Associate Professor), Gamification in Information Management
Tampereen yliopisto
Sähköpostiosoitenannan.xi [at] tuni.fi

Oma esittely

I am Nannan Xi, I am the assistant professor in the Unit of Information and Knowledge Management. My research is mainly focused on game-based approaches (gamification, XR/AR/VR, multimodality, wearable technology) in information systems, management, consumer psychology and organization studies towards responsible consumption, sustainable decision making, harmonious organizations and digital business transformation.


Information Management, Computer Sciences, Human Computer Interaction, Business Management, Consumer Psychology


My projects have been funded by Liikesivistysrahasto, OP Ryhmän Tutkimussäätiö, Business Finland, and KAUTE-säätiö.