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Course unit, curriculum year 2023–2024

Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics, 5 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)
Course code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Syventävät opinnot
Grading scale
Yleinen asteikko, 0-5
Persons responsible
Alpo Värri, Alpo Värri
Lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta 100 %
Järjestävä organisaatio
MET yhteinen koulutus 100 %
Common learning outcomes
Kansainvälisyys ja globaali vastuu
Core content
  • Health informatics regulations, particularly for health software production: key international directives, national regulation, self-regulation.
  • Security, privacy, and data protection. Principles, regulation and guidelines for application in health informatics.
  • Standards and interoperability in health informatics. Key standards: HL7, CDA, IHE, etc.
Complementary knowledge
  • Examples of practical cybersecurity incidents
  • Status of application of standards in Finland and other EU countries and in cross-border health information exchange.
Learning outcomes
Recommended prerequisites
Further information
Learning material
Kokonaisuudet, joihin opintojakso kuuluu
Completion option 1
Exam, accepted group exercises in a class room and an assignment
Completion of all options is required.


29.02.2024 29.02.2024
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
10.04.2024 10.04.2024
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)
14.05.2024 14.05.2024
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)

Osallistuminen opetukseen

08.01.2024 26.02.2024
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
Completion option 2
Exam, accepted remote solo exercises and an assignment.
Completion of all options is required.


29.02.2024 29.02.2024
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)
10.04.2024 10.04.2024
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)
14.05.2024 14.05.2024
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)

Itsenäinen työskentely

08.01.2024 26.02.2024
Active in period 3 (1.1.2024–3.3.2024)