Russian Studies -opintokokonaisuus, 20 op
- Kuvaus
- Sisältö
The Russian Studies is a multidisciplinary module that covers Russian history, culture, media, and social and political structures of Russian society in the global context.
The aim is to explore Russia in depth and with breadth. The participants will acquire deeper knowledge about the chosen areas and will develop expertise in questions of substance related to Russia.
The program is optional and available to all students of the Tampere University and of the Finnish Master's School in Russian and Eastern European Studies (University of Helsinki). Participation does not require knowledge of the Russian language. The language of teaching is English, and the teachers are experts in Russian studies from Finland, Russia, and other countries.
After completing the Program, the student
- is able to identify and apply key concepts of Russian history, culture, and society
- has the basic understanding of Russian (and Soviet) social, cultural and political history in the global context
- is able to evaluate Russia's political system as well as to outline the key objectives of (post-Soviet) Russia's foreign policy
- understands contemporary Russian society and is able to analyse different social institutions and social structures
- has an overall knowledge of history and contemporary functions and structure of Russian media