Hyppää pääsisältöön

Tarja Heinonen

Tutkimus- ja innovaatiopalvelut | Innovaatiopalvelut
Tampereen yliopisto
Sähköpostiosoitetarja.heinonen [at] tuni.fi

Oma esittely

Working for ERDF funded project “Commercialization and scalability of digital health solutions” collaboration with Business Tampere and the Wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa. 

I have been working to transform health and care systems over 20 years through RDI projects and ecosystems development and working with start-up companies to introduce new services and solutions to the health market. 

From 2010-August 2023 I worked as a Development Manager in Wellbeing at RDI Services at TAMK. I have prepared and managed several RDI projects for the social and health care sector (especially Digital Health, AgeTech). I am active in different networks, such as the Tampere Health ecosystem, Business Finland Testbed, and the national age tech network. I have a master's degree in Public Health and I am also PhD student at TAU (SOC). Example of my business development and active collaboration with companies is TAMK’s Virtual Lab for Social and health care, a testbed and co-creation platform for technology companies, service providers and academic partners. I was responsible for the Lab´s development work and concept building at TAMK in 2019-2021 https://sites.tuni.fi/vlabforhealth-fi/ .  

I have a passion to develop tomorrow´s health and related service and technology today

My LinkedIn profile 


- identifying, support and network commercialization ideas, business opportunities and teams related Health Technology and Life Science.

- coach and support start-ups and researchers to find key players and RDI possibilities towards market and growth of their business:

  • dialog with regional stakeholders and customers and validate markets needs
  • to find the suitable testbeds and labs for product development and testing in Tampere Region, as well as national and international level (references to the market)
  • to understand better the market and business models at social and health care 
  • to bring together start-ups, researchers, health care service providers and end-users (co- creation, testbeds and living lab activities)

- networking and development of ecosystems related to digital health

- Research to Business identification and coaching together with another experts at Innovation services.

- participating in the management of Spark Finland activities in Tampere.