In the Atmospheric Emission Aerosols group, the current research tries to answer the question of how the emissions from man-made aerosol sources evolve in the atmosphere and how they affect climate and air quality. This involves detailed charaterization of the emitted aerosol with latest methods, experimental simulation of the atmospheric dilution and oxidation processes, and numerical modeling of the physical and chemical transformations the aerosol experiences in its life-cycle. Lately, we have aimed to use atmospheric mass spectrometric methods (CI-TOF-CIMS and FIGAERO-CIMS) in emission and mobile settings.
Ryhmän johtaja
Miikka Dal Maso
professori, fysiikkaTekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta
Tampereen yliopisto
Sähköpostiosoitemiikka.dalmaso [at] (miikka[dot]dalmaso[at]tuni[dot]fi)
Hervannan kampus
Miikka Dal Maso