Tutkimuksemme pyrkii syventämään ymmärrystä väkivallan ja hoivan monimutkaisesta suhteesta, erityisesti liittyen ekologisina ja kestävinä vaihtoehtoina markkinoitujen hyödykkeiden tuotantoon.
Tutkimusprojekti keskittyy kolmeen hyödykkeeseen: taateleihin, luonnonkuituihin ja digitaalisiin alustoihin. Taatelit ja luonnonkuidut, bambu ja sisal, ovat esimerkkejä hyödykeraja-alueista, jotka nähdään uusina keinoina vähentää muovin kulutusta, siirtymään super-ruokiin, sekä luomaan kestäviä ratkaisuja digitaalisten alustojen avulla.
Tosiasiassa sekä sisal että taatelit jakavat tuhansien vuosien historian ihmisten kanssa; niillä on kulttuurillisia, symbolisia ja poliittisia merkityksiä. Näiden hyödykkeiden historia on erottamattomasti liittynyt kolonialismiin, rasismiin ja rajuihin ympäristöllisiin muutoksiin trooppisilla alueilla. Samalla tavoin digitaalisten alustojen laajeneminen on muuttanut ja muuttaa globaalia työnjakoa ja resurssien ekstraktivismia.
Nämä hyödykkeet ja niiden kontekstit nähdään kestävän kehityksen sekä ekologisen ja digitalisaatioon perustuvan kapitalismin mukaisina ratkaisuina. Siten ne tarjoavat mahdollisuuden tutkia sitä, miten vihreät valinnat ja kulutustottumukset ovat kietoutuneet ihmisten historiaan, nykyhetkeen ja tulevaisuuteen tuomalla esiin sekä yhteisölliset että yksilölliset tavat ottaa osaa näiden hyödykkeiden tuotantoon ja kulutukseen.
Tutkimusprojekti ammentaa ja kontribuoi feministiseen rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimukseen, poliittiseen ekologiaan ja poliittiseen taloustutkimukseen. Monilajisuutta ja intersektionaalisuutta korostava tutkimusotteemme tuo esiin väkivallan myös konteksteissa, jotka vaikuttavat väkivallattomilta.
Suomen Akatemia
Who we are
Dr Marjaana Jauhola (PhD in International Politics, Aberystwyth University)is the PI of EnVi(r)oCare. She is a senior research fellow in Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University and adjunct professor in Global Development Studies, University of Helsinki. Her research, for nearly two decades, focuses on politics of intersectional inequalities of post-disaster and conflict contexts in South and Southeast Asia using collaborative visual ethnography and life histories. She has published two monographs, Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Indonesia: negotiating normativity through gender mainstreaming initiatives in Aceh (Routledge, 2013), and Scraps of Hope in Banda Aceh: Gendered Urban Politics of Peace in the Aceh Peace Process (Helsinki University Press, 2020) and she is currently writing one of the 2001 urban earthquake recovery in Kachchh, India. marjaana.jauhola [at] tuni.fi; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9974-0778
Ilona Steiler (PhD in Global Development Studies, University of Helsinki) is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) at Tampere University. In her research, she looks at transformations of work in the globalized economy, with a specific focus on informal, precarious and other forms of irregular labour, digitalization and automation of work, and infrastructures and technologies in and of capitalism, with a view towards social and global equality in sustainability transitions. She currently works in the research project ‘Entanglements of Violence and Care: Feminist Analysis of Commodity Frontiers and “Living Green”’. Her research on informal work in Tanzania has been published in the Journal of Labor and Society and the Global Labour Journal. Currently, she is writing a monograph on the politics and governance of the informal economy (Routledge, forthcoming).
Violeta Gutiérrez Zamora is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) based in Helsinki, Finland. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences with a major in Environmental Policy from the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). In her research she focuses on questions over rural development, forest conservation and human-nature relationships, using qualitative research methods and perspectives from feminist political ecology and environmental sociology. She has conducted research in rural México and Laos. She is a member of the Finnish Society for Development Research (FSDR) and the collective FeminismosOtroas.Research interests: rurality and environmental justice; environmental policy and governance; gender and nature.
Satu Sundström is the research coordinator of the EnVi(r)oCare and a member of the research team. She is a doctoral researcher of World Politics at the Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society, Helsinki University, Finland. Her research, ‘Doing Global Feminism. Feminist Transformative activism in and around the World Social Forum’ addresses the dilemma of feminist resistance and solidarity building in a state of multiplicity and diversity through the empirical study of feminist activism within, along, and beyond the process of World Social Forum.
Shamla Gadhavi (Prakrit Foundation for Development, India) is farmer, a founding member and president of Kachchh-based Prakrit Foundation for Development Trust, an organisation dedicated to supporting free education, livelihood options and natural farming options for farmer communities. Besides being a student in sociology (Indira Gandhi National Open University), he has several years of experience in ethnographic and qualitative research having worked as research assistant.
EnVi(r)oCare Advisory Board:
Rosalba Icaza, Professor in Global Politics, Feminisms and Decoloniality, Institute of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Phoebe Moore, Professor of Management and Futures of Work, Essex University, School of Business, and Senior Research Fellow, ILO
Tania Pérez-Bustos, Associate Professor in Anthropology, National University of Colombia
Shirin Rai, SOAS Distinguished Research Professor at SOAS University of London
Tiina Vaittinen, University Researcher, Tampere University
For further information please contact:
Projektin johtaja Marjaana Jauhola: marjaana.jauhola [at] tuni.fi (marjaana[dot]jauhola[at]tuni[dot]fi)
Tutkimuskoordinaattori Satu Sundström: satu.sundstrom [at] tuni.fi