OASIS is constantly evolving. Everything from the interior to the rules of the use are under change.
Occasionally the space is occupied by playful experiments. Some of the changes are based on the user feedback, some are research oriented.
These have been seasons up to now:

- Fandom puzzle fight tournament
- Lightboxes added for promotional purposes and fun
- Seasons changed to last both autumn and spring semester
- Spot reservations changed to open times
- New equipment and mini-consoles (NES & SNES mini!)

- Floor area is filled with Lamzac air bean bags for relaxation
- Streaming equipment and start of OASIS Twitch streams
- Drawing tablet
- Hama bead pixel art

- #MurMur Blocks experiment
- Monthly game days

Season #6 (Autumn 2016)
- #LegoTable experiment
- Library Days Mon 13-15, librarian present
- Game Days Thu 15-18, sometimes a theme for games
- Bookable spots Mon-We 15-18
- OASIS Events booked from events.oasisutafi@gmail.com
- Yellow side tables

- #OasisRealms experiment
- #Bookcrossing #oasisutafi experiment
- Bookable spots Mon-Thu 15-18
- OASIS Events & Talks Mon-Fri
- Gamelab Library hours Mon 13-15, librarian present on the spot
- Houseplants
- Bright light treatment spots

- #PalaveriPalju experiment.
- #OASISKnit experiment.
- Bookable days on Mondays and Tuesdays (instead of game days and book days).
- Booking system is introduced.
- Workstations get sofas.
- Monthly game days (instead of weekly game days).
- Key Masters’ phone line is introduced.
- Multi-touch table (SUR40) leaves the space.
- Martela showpiece: Niiu.

- The floor area is occupied by sofa chairs.
- Workstations get bean bags.
- Game days are switched to Mondays.
- Book days are switched to Tuesdays. (no more silent hours)
- Martela showpiece: Movie.