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Selaat tulevan lukuvuoden (2024–2025) opintotietoja.
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Opintojakso, lukuvuosi 2024–2025

Electron Spectroscopy, 5 op

Tampereen yliopisto
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2025–2.3.2025)
2024–2025, 2025–2026, 2026–2027
Opintojakson taso
Syventävät opinnot
Yleinen asteikko, 0-5
Mika Valden
Tekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta 100 %
Järjestävä organisaatio
Fysiikan opetus 100 %
Core content
  • Surface analysis and surface sensitivity: Principles of surface analytical research. Instrumentation. Surface sensitivity. Attenuation length and information depth. Application examples of surface analysis.
  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS): Spectral features and chemical shifts. XPS as an analytical method. Quantitative analysis.
  • Auger electron spectroscopy (AES): Auger-transition. AES as an analytical method. Comparison of XPS and AES methods. Depth profiling. Quantitative analysis.
  • Ultra-violet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS): Photon sources and surface sensitivity of UPS. Orientation and symmetry of adsorbed molecules.
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS): Synchrotron radiation and surface science. NEXAFS and EXAFS methods.
Complementary knowledge
  • Vacuum technology. Energy analysers. Role of emission angle to information depth.
  • Photon sources. X-ray lines and X-ray satellites. Three-step model of photoemission. Adiabatic approximation. Koopman's theorem.
  • X-ray fluorescence yield versus Auger electron yield. Energy of the Auger transition.
  • Fermi's Golden Rule. Dipole matrix element. Character table. Polarization. Surface molecule point groups. Polarization-dependent selection rules.
  • Analysis of EXAFS spectrum.
Specialist knowledge
  • Concentric Hemispherical Analyser. Spectromicroscopy.
  • Intrinsic and extrinsic processes of photoemission. Many-electron effects in photoemission. Nanostructures on surfaces.
  • Carbon KVV-transition. Ionisation cross-section.
  • ARUPS CO/Ni(100).
  • XAS of Cu oxides.
Vastaavat opintojaksot
Kokonaisuudet, joihin opintojakso kuuluu
Suoritustapa 1
The work load of 120 hours is evenly distributed throughout the course due to weekly assignments followed by tutorial learning sessions, two electronic exams and a project assignment, which is to be completed as result of a team work: Participation in the learningn events 22%, Participation in exams 3% and Estimated work load for assignments 75%.

Osallistuminen opetukseen

07.01.2025 23.02.2025
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2025–2.3.2025)