Biodegradable Polymers, 5 op
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Core content
Groups of synthetic and natural biodegradable polymers:
- Properties, origin, polymerization and modification
- Raw materials: composition and availability
- Processing: available methods, limitations
- Degradation: main mechanisms, tailoring the degradation profile, preventing the unintended degradation (due to processing, sterilization, storage etc.)
- Characterization: common methods to monitor the degradation process
- Medical and non-medical applications
Writing summaries of given literature in a small team.
Complementary knowledge
Comparison of similarities and differences between
- synthetic and natural biodegradable polymers
- the most commonly used synthetic polymers, and
- the most commonly used natural polymers.
Practical demonstrations of selected processing and characterization methods. Writing summaries based on given and self-found literature in a small team.
Special knowledge
Deeper understanding on specialties of different biodegradable polymers with specific composition. Writing critical literature review mostly focusing on self-found literature.