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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2024–2025

Master's Programme in Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering, 120 op

Tampereen yliopisto

Students who have completed the Master’s Programme in Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering will:

· have a thorough command of and the capability to work as experts or developers in their field of specialisation

· be familiar with scientific thinking and have the skills to apply scientific methods in their field of specialisation

· be able to solve open-ended problems and make decisions about complex and uncertain matters in their field of specialisation

· be able to produce new knowledge and solutions to their field of specialisation by conducting research and development activities where existing knowledge and methods are appropriately applied

· be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in international work-life across different kinds of organisations and work environments

· have cultural competence about the Finnish work life and study culture in order to support integration into the Finnish society and pursuing a career in Finland

· have sufficient communication and cooperation skills required for teamwork, cross-organizational collaboration, and public discussion in their field of specialisation

· recognize the relevance of ethical norms and professional responsibility in their field of specialisation and be able to apply them in their work

· recognize the relevance of sustainable development goals in their field of specialisation and understand how to develop technological innovations mindful of environmental, social, and economic sustainability

· have the competence and motivation for continuous professional development and lifelong learning

· meet the theoretical and methodological prerequisites for continuing in doctoral (postgraduate) studies in their field of specialisation.

Sisällön kuvaus

    Master’s Programme in Computing Sciences and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) consists of the following twelve alternative specialisations that lead to a degree of either Master of Science or Master of Science in Technology. For detailed descriptions of each, please see the related study modules.

    • Communication Systems and Networks (MSc Tech)

    • Data Science (MSc)

    • Embedded Systems (MSc Tech)

    • Information Security (MSc Tech)

    • Human-Technology Interaction (MSc)

    • Power Electronics and Electromechanics (MSc Tech)

    • Signal Processing and Machine Learning (MSc Tech)

    • Smart Grids (MSc Tech)

    • Software, Web & Cloud (MSc)

    • Statistical Data Analytics (MSc)

    • System-on-Chip Design (MSc Tech)

    • Wireless Communications and RF Systems (MSc Tech).

    In addition to the advanced studies in the specialisations, the students in CSEE are to complete joint studies, which include an extensive orientation course and studies in Finnish and communication skills, for example. Please see the study structure for further details. 

    2024–2025, 2025–2026, 2026–2027
    Filosofian maisteri
    120 op
    Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
    Ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma
    Hervannan kampus,
    742201 Fil. maist., tietojenkäsittelytiede
    742102 Fil. maist., tilastotiede (luonnontieteellinen ala)
    751301 Dipl.ins., tietotekniikka
    751201 Dipl.ins., sähkötekniikka
    • Luonnontieteet
    • Tietojenkäsittely ja tietoliikenne
    • Tekniikan alat
    Thomas Olsson 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2028, tutkinto-ohjelmavastaava