Untitled Goose Game is a charming and by now a somewhat internet-famous stealth puzzle game created by House House, in which the player assumes the role of a mischievous goose on a mission to annoy the residents of a small town. Want to find out what it would take from a single bird to get the gardener to wear his sunhat? Or how a goose can get on TV? This game lets you find that out all the while listening to classical music.
The adaptation of Debussy’s Preludes speaks to the game’s ability to create an intriguing setting and enjoyable gameplay with a focus on simplicity. The straightforward art style and the soundtrack with its classical piano makes the player focus on the goose and the effect it has on its environment, leaving everything unnecessary behind. The commands are simple as well, you are a goose after all. Picking up things, flapping your wings and sprinting is enough. And honking of course.
The simplicity of the game mechanics allows Untitled Goose Game to challenge its player with puzzles with rewarding payoffs. Figuring out how to complete one of the goose’s goals, written down on a list with cursive no less, is often a moment of triumph that brings a genuine smile to the player’s face. In the relatively short amount of time it takes to complete the goose’s list, the game manages to build up its ending into what feels like a witty inside joke for the player. As a result of its character and humor, the game has a surprising amount of story for a puzzle game without dialogue.
Sadly, it took me only around two hours to complete the initial playthrough of the game, as well as trying my luck with a few of the more challenging goals unlocked after the ending. I would have loved to have seen perhaps a few more areas to explore and to terrorize people in, but on the other hand the shortness suits this game well. Thanks to its sandbox-like world it’s an easy game to pick up for example when you are in need of a small break or while traveling. Personally, I haven’t been won over by a small game title this well in a long time. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys puzzle solving at any level. Or has any real life experience with geese. Those monsters.
It often takes a certain type of mad or at least mischievous creativity from the player to progress on the quest the goose has given to itself.
Untitled Goose Game is capable of delivering witty punchlines to its gameplay moments thanks to its simplicity and the charisma of the goose the player gets to embody. The antics you get up to as this internet famous feathered monster are complex, absurd and bordering on dangerous, and just barely realistic enough that it’s relatable to real life waterbirds. You don’t ultimately harm anyone that badly, but you’ve certainly given them a day and a story to remember. “Oh, a goose stole your glasses? That’s rough buddy.”
Publisher: House House
Developer: Panic
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC
Release Date: 20.9.2019
Genre: Puzzle, Stealth
Picture Credit: https://goose.game
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