The Boxer – kaupunkipakopeli Tampereella
The Boxer- kaupunkipakopeli oli hauskaa pulmanratkontaa ulkoilmassa mutta ongelmilta ei vältytty.
The Boxer- kaupunkipakopeli oli hauskaa pulmanratkontaa ulkoilmassa mutta ongelmilta ei vältytty.
Online communities can be as real as in ”real life” - Case plushie blogger’s community on Instagram
Esoteric journey to the center of the multiverse #planescape #torment #review
Game design as adversarial, critical and even comical.
So in hindsight, maybe it wasn't really a good idea to have a non-Finnish person cover a predominantly Finnish speaking …
Talking eSports, Twitch and kappa at Spectating Play 2017.
The soundtrack of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is much more than just palatable background noise.
Lautapelikahvila Taverna tarjoaa laajan valikoiman pelejä, maistuvaa purtavaa ja leppoisaa tunnelmaa.
Dark Souls 2: Scholar Of The First Sin presents a new way to remix a game’s play experience.
Something old, something new: Two unusual racing controllers go head-to-head!
The Nordic larp conference turned 20. This is how it was.
Become a king by your own hand in this great Conan tabletop rpg
If the true protagonist of an open-world game is its setting, then Portland is GTA III's crown jewel.
Best is of course, always a slightly subjective term as everyone has their own preferences. Therefore these are totally objectively …
The decline of video game cover art
Playing a young wizard in a Polish castle for three days is an intense experience. #cowlarp #larp #nordiclarp
A noob’s introduction to #pen&paper #RPGs: #vampirethemasquerade review
Ideas, computers, friends, pizza and 48 hours to jam into one game #Game Design
Convenience VS. Diegesis: The battle for immersion, and how playing with the map off makes Assassin's Creed that much more …
Neljännen sukupolven Apple TV haastaa uuden tvOS-käyttöjärjestelmänsä myötä pelikonsolit olohuoneen viihdelaitteena. Ensireaktio uudesta Apple TV:stä on käyttökokemuksen sujuvuus. Kytkeminen on idioottivarmaa: …