Indie Developers as the Frontrunners of Female Representation in Narratives
Many AAA studios cater to the masses, but many indie developers are telling stories with strong female characters leading the …
Many AAA studios cater to the masses, but many indie developers are telling stories with strong female characters leading the …
Reddit discussion about achievement hunting can reveal the player’s feelings towards the game and the meta-game system surrounding it.
Students could benefit from interactive narrative design courses in video game education.
Animal mayhem games provide an interesting ground to explore boundaries between the human and non-human world.
How can emotional responses to games be effectively categorised for better distinction to improve narrative design and character development? The …
Children nowadays play a lot of games, and just like with everyone else, it can be quite a rough experience.
This is an overview of a study on how Nintendo's Animal Crossing: New Leaf has helped players cope with the …
An archaeologist used real-life methods to study an abandoned community of player settlements in No Man’s Sky.
Not only is queer romance in RPG a good way to explore and and possibly self-discover, it can also be …
Do games and gamification pose a solution for the multidisciplinary conversation of sustainable development?
With the right building blocks, even the simplest digital video games can cause strong feelings of anxiety and fear.
The level of violent content in video games doesn’t lead to anti-social player behaviour on its own.
Katsaus Suomalaisen peliajan jurakauteen – epäonnistunut Amersoft 1984-1986. Tero Pasanen ja Jaakko Suominen tutkivat julkaisussaan suomalaista pelialan yritystä.
Artikkelissa tutkitaan pelaamisen elinkaarta ja miten ihmisen elinkaaren aikana pelien merkitys muuttuu.
First there was Atari, then Nintendo and so on. WRONG - first there was D&D.
To explore how multiplayer game mechanics facilitate social closeness, Depping & Mandryk conducted an experiment based on the 2D board-style …
Lee’s article tackles the following question: what kind of social effects does participation in digital gaming have among elderly people? …
Narrative puzzles are crucial for storytelling in many games, but their importance is hardly ever talked about. Wei and Durango …
While productivity and efficiency define the late-stage metagame of Dark Souls, the sublime experience can still be found somewhere within …
What Game design patterns are behind the FMV games that were popular during the nineties and are again gaining popularity? …