Perverting Play – Healslutting in Overwatch
Humans have the remarkable ability to sexualize anything, so, naturally, playing videogames has been subject to this tendency. One interesting form of this is the healslut …
Humans have the remarkable ability to sexualize anything, so, naturally, playing videogames has been subject to this tendency. One interesting form of this is the healslut …
Are walking simulators only good for walking, or is there any literary depth to it? Bozdog et al. delves into …
Gamers in Poland and the United States differ from time used playing games and gaming devices used but play similar …
Kilpapelaaminen on aina ollut monipuolista jopa Suomessa.
Mass Effect trilogy gives us a perspective of a possible future where the disabilities haven't been written off but are …
A study on speedrunning a zombie game, Left 4 Dead, counters the view of the practice as only game-breaking to …
Soda machines in video games contain purposes of consumerism, aesthetic, ludic, and narrative, to enhance players' presence. Furthermore, they fortify …
Generative music in games affect the flow experience of gameplay sessions which may be beneficial in game design.
An article by Dale Leorke, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies at Tampere University, …
Tutkimus osoittaa, että kuolema voidaan esittää videopeleissä hyvin vähäpätöisenä ja mekaanisena osana itse tarinaa.
Gaming in classroom, a doomed combination in education? Hewett et al. article “The 21st century classroom gamer” explores this …
Research suggests that gaming can be used as an effective tool to reduce bias.
Could educational escape rooms be the new hip pedagocical thing?
How are streaming, viewing, playing and spending money on esports connected?
In the future ‘KAHOOT!’ and other tools can make the learning process of students easier.
The number of academic researches about esports has been increasing since the year 2002.
The Stanley Parable highlights the inherent restrictiveness of narrative-based videogames.
An article about Twitch streaming and how it is affecting the performance of the streamer. The researcher gathers data from …
Research suggests online gaming communities don’t feel too keenly for all-female esports teams.
How do narrative adventure games like Life is Strange and The Walking Dead depict women empowerment in morally precarious situations? …