Pelaajat ovat elokuvaohjaajan roolissa Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game -pelissä
Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game-peliin kuuluvat yllätykselliset käänteet ja kaanonin ulkopuolinen materiaali.
Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game-peliin kuuluvat yllätykselliset käänteet ja kaanonin ulkopuolinen materiaali.
Peliteollisuudelle ei ole yhtä globaalia syntytarinaa, alueet eroavat toisistaan.
Fandom studies and Game studies have a lot to learn from one another
Demoskene oli merkittävässä roolissa Pohjoismaisen peliteollisuuden synnyssä
Presenting game history: the four archetypes of digital game histories.
Tarkastelussa tutkimus videopelien pelattavan pelihahmon rodun ja kehollisen samaistumisen vaikutuksista aggressioon pelinjälkeisissä tunteissa ja kognitioissa sekä pelinaikaisessa käyttäytymisessä.
Jonne Arjoranta’s paper “What does it mean to be Orlanthi? Hermeneutic Challenge in King of Dragon Pass” examines the game …
The effect of poetic gameplay can be undermined by unnecessary difficulties related to story or mechanics.
Autcraft is a modded Minecraft server created to provide a safe place for autistic children to play.
Popular memory of WWI is something that video-games are scared to engage In his article “It’s Hard to Play in the …
Avatars don’t seem to be projection of the identity of the player In his article “Getting Into the Game: An Examination …
In order to play a game your body needs to adapt to the game’s interface. What about those bodies that …
Pushing the envelope of gamification just a little bit more.
tl;dr: Culture defines the Flow experience.
The methods of gamestudy: formalism vs situationism and more
To make gaming experience more pervasive, game controllers need to be redesigned to better include body to playing.
The global phenomenon Pokémon Go doesn’t use the full potential of pervasive gaming.
Zagal’s article focuses on some of the different ways that war is represented and portrayed in videogames
Can spiritual concepts be applied to videogames – the case of the apophatic
Integrating games into the art world: A case study of Jason Rohrer’s games The question “are video games art?” has …