How to Play Elden Ring – A Cheeky Guide
There are two kinds of people: Those who wish to burn Elden Ring at the stake because it has no easy mode and those who’d sell their grandmother to defend Hidetaka Miyazaki. But what about making the most of your time in the Lands Between? Let us step out of the line of fire for a second and consider how to maximise the enjoyment you derive from Elden Ring.
Since I have played Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls I, Dark Souls II, and Elden Ring before writing this guide, I expect the tips to appeal to veteran players the most. This is not to say that a novice will not benefit from the advice, but that following tips 1-2 will not necessarily improve their experience. Like C. Thi Nguyen, I suggest you make strategic decisions to improve the balance between challenge and player skill “with an eye toward maintaining a desirable sort of struggle” (2020). Some tips are designed to ensure that you are challenged physically, cognitively, and emotionally.
- You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Remember the first steps you took in Dark Souls? Little you getting all excited about the pretty animations, a silly message, or a useless bow? Do not watch any videos, do not look at any screenshots, do not read any walkthroughs. You crave novelty because the new is more exciting than the familiar. Being surprised, confused, and infuriated are all a part of the journey that you do not want to miss. Not knowing what you are doing is a good thing, Jon Snow.
- I am very strong, and I have a giant hammer
Are all of your socks in one colour? Do you stare in disbelief at players wearing colour-coordinated but ineffective equipment? If your character is more effective than Sauron at dispatching hordes of enemies with one giant swing of your hammer, you might be on the wrong track. Not only will the game become too easy, but you will also never bond with anything else but your giant hammer. There are other playstyles in this game, friend, and they are fun, too.
- Experiment, learn, experiment. Two Shields? Sure.
Did you get hung, drawn, and quartered by a big gargoyle? Have you been running around in circles for hours but have yet to find the missing blue dog? Excellent, well done! Time to try an unconventional approach, an odd spell, or an outrageous move. Mix and match until you find a smart solution, and never shy away from throwing a Kukri or two. Do you remember that infuriatingly useless axe you picked up after defeating that horrendously difficult boss? Surprise! That is the gargoyle slayer you have been looking for.
- This is play, not work. Start carving your own path.
Have you been teleported to an ominous desert with a big black bird you are not supposed to take on yet? Go explore. Does the golden dust follow the path, but you would rather enter the catacombs? Go kill skeletons. The path you are supposed to take is but a figment of your imagination. Embrace unexpected challenges and let curiosity be your guide as you claim ownership of your playthrough and experience truly meaningful moments.
- Sharing is feeling the feels.
You accidentally lit a bonfire deep down a dark, deadly cave and were stuck there for hours before you pulled the perfect stunt to reach the exit? You refused to use anything but your trusty sword to vanquish the gargoyle immune to physical damage? Time to share! As important as it is not to ask your buddies how to beat a boss or solve a puzzle without breaking a sweat, never forget to discuss your heroic feats with friends who have already completed the zone you are in.
In short, prioritise exploration, experimentation, and expression over mastery. Seek to overcome physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges without walkthroughs. Once you have conquered the Lands Between, share every detail of your epic adventure with your friends.
Game: Elden Ring
Publisher: FromSoftware
Developer: Bandai Namco Europe
Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Release Date: 25 February 2022
Genre: Action role-playing game
PEGI: 16
Book: Nguyen, C. T. (2020). Games: Agency as Art. Oxford University Press.
Pictures: Featured image, Fig. 1, and Fig. 4: Screenshots of Elden Ring (FromSoftware 2022), taken by Uriel Nyffenegger
Fig. 2: Screenshot added to an article on Game Rant written by Brendan P. Dick:
Fig. 3: Screenshot of a blue dog posted on Reddit by Tsiabo:
Passionate about games, literature, and philosophy, Uriel delights in feeling complex emotions and thinking big thoughts. Overwhelmed by emotions and thoughts, he plays basketball until he turns into metal Mario and needs a nap.
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