If one of the board games that made me addicted in my childhood, Monopoly is certainly one of them. I saw my elder cousins play with a lot of interest, discussing money, buying hotels, taking rent, or sending opponents to jail. It is a multiplayer board game, played with two dice and there are two types of cards which determine some activities and luck. After being released in 1935, being translated into 37 languages and played in 103 countries, this is one of the well-known games. This worldwide known game has different versions. Similar ideas were developed as The Landlord’s Game by Lizzie Magie, but the copyright was sold to Charles Darrow to be modernized as today. I was also amazed to know that the world championship and the USA championship are held regularly! The champions from different continents and countries prove that this game is fun, and popular all over the world.
Image 1: Monopoly cards and board
Though the time limit is 20-80 minutes, we often crossed it while playing. Every time players pass the start position, they get some money, and sometimes pay taxes. After the determined period, who has the most money and assets, wins. I am not sure if the rules are the same everywhere. Each turn from players was subject to attention. Someone might buy a spot, and there was a rule- if a player buys multiple spaces with the same colors, the rent increases. So, there are always some calculations regarding the rents. A player can go to jail out of nowhere, or from taking up one of the cards. The players always look for a chance to make their opponents pay more. The game helps to improve financial decision-making as the goal is to maximize the profit and assets within certain limitations.
Image 2: Squares with buildings and investments
The best part of Monopoly is the financial decision-making. I literally had to plan my moves and think of the squares I wanted to buy to get my best rent, at the same time be cautious of not getting bankrupt. I recommend this game not only because this is an interesting way to learn investment, but also because of it’s competitive nature. The game could be improved a bit from the text side. Personally, I felt the texts were longer sometimes, and other players had to listen also. Apparently, it cost engagement in the game. Also, the objective of the game I believe, somewhat is not fulfilled. This game was designed to let people know how bad it is to hold unmatched economic power or monopoly. Here, the players love to win and play to win! I am not sure if the subconscious mind of an 8-year-old could process the bad effects of monopoly, but I never did at that age.
Board game: Monopoly
• Designer: Lizzie Maggie
• Publisher: Parker Brothers
• Release Year: 1935
• Genres : Economics themed board game
• PEGI : 8
Image 1: https://pixabay.com/photos/game-monopoly-pawn-board-game-5968650/
Image 2: https://pixabay.com/photos/the-monopoly-of-the-games-5212950/
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