Escape room board game versions are just like the actual ones – stressful, possibly chaotic, and super fun.
Escape room board game versions are just like the actual ones – stressful, possibly chaotic, and super fun.
When the world is being ravaged by giant insects that threaten to destroy all of humanity, there’s only one logical …
Puzzle & Dragons is a match-three game with a huge amount of content and longevity.
Fallout 76 had its fair share of issues, like missing non-playable characters, when it first launched in 2018. But how …
Is your gaming experience lacking the realism, atmosphere, and maximum level of credibility? Try the survival project DayZ, so you …
Murhaajarotta-armeijoita keskiajan Ranskassa? Murhaajarotta-armeijoita keskiajan Ranskassa. A Plague Tale: Innocencen tarjoamaa seikkailua ei kannata vältellä kuin ruttoa.
PlayLab! Magazine will take an extended summer break.
Katsaus Suomalaisen peliajan jurakauteen – epäonnistunut Amersoft 1984-1986. Tero Pasanen ja Jaakko Suominen tutkivat julkaisussaan suomalaista pelialan yritystä.
Artikkelissa tutkitaan pelaamisen elinkaarta ja miten ihmisen elinkaaren aikana pelien merkitys muuttuu.
Microtransactions have caused major controversy within gaming communities. Maximising the profit on the cost of user experience is an issue …
First there was Atari, then Nintendo and so on. WRONG - first there was D&D.
To explore how multiplayer game mechanics facilitate social closeness, Depping & Mandryk conducted an experiment based on the 2D board-style …
Lee’s article tackles the following question: what kind of social effects does participation in digital gaming have among elderly people? …
Narrative puzzles are crucial for storytelling in many games, but their importance is hardly ever talked about. Wei and Durango …
While productivity and efficiency define the late-stage metagame of Dark Souls, the sublime experience can still be found somewhere within …
Bang! is a wonderful social deduction card game with a western theme. Put on your cowboy hat and get ready …
What Game design patterns are behind the FMV games that were popular during the nineties and are again gaining popularity? …
What is the 'temperature' of different types of games, and how can this help us understand how they make us …
Move over Fortnite – Chess is coming to the esport stage and is here to stay.
Pay-to-win is a problematic phenomenon for games where you can purchase power. This brief analysis of the monetization of Dead …