From Switzerland, to Russia and America: Emergency departments all around the world are participating in the ‘Tetris Challenge’, laying down their tools and themselves in a geometric and orderly way.
Who does not know the 90s popular game Tetris? As this puzzle video game was first invented by a Soviet Russian software engineer in 1984, the game itself became a 90s hit around the globe and is still available for almost every video game console and computer operating system. The goal of Tetris is to tessellate tetrominoes and geometric shapes consisting of four, square blocks each as closely as possible.
Based on that principle the “Tetris Challenge” trend first started this fall: The Swiss canton of Zurich posted a picture of their officers and patrol car equipment lying on the ground in a grid pattern. Though there had been some similar-style postings of a New Zealand police department from 2018 already, the social media trend #TetrisChallenge really began to appear in 2019. However, this act of arranging items in ordered rows has been around a lot longer than that.
Over the following weeks more and more public service agencies from Europe to Asia to America got inspired and took similar photos, which ended up on their own social media platforms. And the challenge became a good opportunity to show the contents of emergency vehicles or other public service vehicles.
Furthermore, now there are joining militaries around the world with all their vehicles like Jets, Trucks, Tanks and off-road cars, creating interesting captions with all their arms, munitions and equipment in general.
The Singapore Civil Defense Fire Station also posted a photo on their Instagram account, explaining that they simply could not resist to share what they have.
A Hungarian Police department went ahead showing their reflective jackets, weapons, traffic cones, shields, handcuffs, other tools and even two police dogs.
As the Dutch police joined, they also listed some names of the items like flashlights, fire extinguisher, safety goggles and safety helmets shown in the picture, while the two officers are lying flat and parallel on the ground looking like two action figures from a kids’ toy-box.
And now even sports teams, radio stations, construction workers and street workers are hopping on the “Tetris Challenge” trend by posting funny and interesting pictures. Even a Russian wedding ended up being captured on a funny yet romantic photo including bride and groom, posted by a wedding planner.
So let’s hope, that this trend will continue for some time, so that we’ll still be getting surprised with some nice and funny “Tetris Challenge” photos.
The picture used in this article is from
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