Squat Fitness Squat class is all about training the lower body muscles, especially the legs and glutes with different exercises. At the end there is short stretching. You can perform the exercise according to your own fitness level but also challenge is provided.
Choreography: easy
Pushup Fitness Work out with your upper body! Pushup class is all about training the chest, shoulders and arm muscles with different exercises. At the end there is short stretching. You can perform the exercise according to your own fitness level but also challenge is provided.
Choreography: none
Spin Aerobic Indoor cycling class that increases basic endurance. In this class, activities vary from moderate to recovery. This class is suitable for everyone, also for beginners. At the beginning of the class, approx. 5 min is used for moving the bikes and checking out the settings, after that 45 minutes of cycling. Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: none
Core* Fitness Strength and support for the middle body! Core class develops mid-body control and strength. Versatile exercises strengthen the supporting muscles of the middle body. The class is suitable for everyone and different levels of challenge will be offered. The class is not recommended during the pregnancy.
Choreography: none
Stretching45* Balance Stretching is important part of the muscle maintenance improving mobility and metabolism. The class includes both active mobility exercises and more passive stretching, with the goal of feeling good. This class is suitable for beginners.
Choreography: none
Pump! Fitness Muscle power! Muscle endurance class with pump bars and dumbbels. Simple but effective movements are focused on strengthening the muscles of the whole body. First a short warm up after which muscular endurance part (40 min). Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: none
Zumba® Aerobic Shake it! Zumba® is a dance class where the joy of sports and versatility of the dance styles are combined. Easy dance steps to both fast and slow rhythms are performed to increase and decrease the pulse rate. Zumba is excellent for everyone interested in different dance styles. No experience is needed. In addition to the latin rhythms also other styles are combined at the class.
Choreography: easy

Circuit* Fitness After an easy warm-up there will be a circuit training with muscle workout and pulse rate exercise. Recovering stretching at the end of the class. Suitable for both beginners and advanced level.
Choreography: easy
Combat Aerobic Combat gives you energy! The approx. 40 min. aerobic section based on martial arts includes effective sets of punches and kicks. At the end of the class there are short muscle endurance and stretching parts.
Choreography: middle

DB Workout Fitness Muscle power! Muscle endurance class with dumbbells or strength bars. Simple but effective movements are focused on strengthening the muscles of the whole body. First a short warm up after which muscular endurance part (40 min). Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: none

Slow flow yoga Balance The class begins with a short body mindfulness moment followed by a gentle flowing series of asanas to warm up the body. After the warm-up sequence we move onto slightly more challenging asanas and slower movement, but we will not stay in one asana for long. The class ends in deep relaxation.
Choreography: none
TAB Fitness Tight thighs, abs and bottom! Warm-up with an easy step pattern is followed by a workout especially for the thigh, gluteal and core muscles. A few interval training sections between muscle workout will increase the effectiveness. Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: easy
Neck-back* Balance A body care class for the neck, shoulders and back. The warm-up includes opening, balancing and relaxing exercises. A light muscle endurance part is done with the help of different equipment. Relaxing stretching at the end of the class. This class is suitable for beginners.
Choreography: none

Spin&Body75 Aerobic Welcome to join a fun and effective combination class. About half of the class we pedal on spin bikes raising the heart rate. The latter half of the class we do muscle workout with different equipment, focusing especially on the upper body. The class ends with stretching.

Choreography: none
Barre Fitness SportUni's Barre is a dance class based on the fundamental technique of ballet, which helps develop strength, technique, and flexibility through dance-inspired exercises. The exercises are performed in the center of the room without a barre, to the rhythm of music of varying styles. Previous dance experience is not necessarily required.

Koreografia: Easy/middle
Hatha yoga75* Balance The class begins with a short body mindfulness moment followed by a gentle flowing series of asanas to warm up the body. Gradually we move onto longer holds in asanas, and the class ends in deep relaxation. This class is suitable for beginners. The length of the class is 75 minutes.

Choreography: none
Pilates Balance Posture with the deepest muscles! Pilates is a body coordination technique targeting to strengthen the deepest muscles, enhance coordination and posture as well as the join movement. The correct breathing and precise performing technique are important in the exercising. The class is focused on beginner level exercises. It is recommended to be without shoes. The class is not recommended during the pregnancy.
Choreography: none
Easy yoga* Balance Relaxing yoga class, which is based on Vinyasa and Yin yoga. The class consists of Vinyasa’s smooth, running poses, which are synchronized to a breath. We also do Yin Yoga’s calm, long-held, passive floor poses that mainly work to the lower part of the body. This class is gentle way to improve strength and mobility of your body. This class is suitable for beginners.
Choreography: none
TAB LS Fitness Tight thighs, abs and bottom! Warm-up with an easy step pattern is followed by a workout especially for the thigh, gluteal and core muscles. A few interval training sections between muscle workout will increase the effectiveness. Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: easy

This is a livestream class with participants. Only register for the class if you come to SportUni Kauppi. You can join online via the Zoom link below. The link is visible only to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with tuni ids.
Crosstraining45 Aerobic Fun and efficient training in a small group! Crosstraining is functional training which is based on moves using your bodyweight as well as equipment. We start with a warm-up followed by an effective circuit-style workout targeting the whole body. The class is in stretching room in the basement.
Choreography: none
SportUniBody* staff Fitness *Class only for staff members*
Easy warm-up choreography in the beginning of the class is followed by the fitness part including muscular work out with and without equipment. Stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: easy
Circuit45* Fitness After an easy warm-up there will be a circuit training with muscle workout and pulse rate exercise. Recovering stretching at the end of the class. Suitable for both beginners and advanced level. Length of the class is 45 minutes.
Choreography: easy

Note: If the class is marked outdoors, you can arrive directly to outdoor gym (in the courtyard of the main building). In case of rain, the class will be held indoors in Atalpa group exercise room.
Sport consultation This sport consultation time includes a personal initial meeting with a SportUni sport coordinator. In this meeting we will make schedule and plan for the whole process. If you would like to meet online, please contact the sport coordinator. - Hervanta, Tamppi Areena - City Center campus, Atalpa - Kauppi, TAMK

More information about sport consultation
IntervalSpin Aerobic Test your limits! Interval spin is a heavy indoor cycling class, in which heavy work periods and recovery alternate. During the class, you mainly pedal in the speed endurance zone, from time to time the heart rate rises to the maximum endurance zone. The class is not recommended as a first class for beginners. At the beginning of the class, approx. 5 min is used for moving the bikes and checking out the settings, after that 45 minutes of cycling. Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: none
Pilates LS Balance Posture with the deepest muscles! Pilates is a body coordination technique targeting to strengthen the deepest muscles, enhance coordination and posture as well as the join movement. The correct breathing and precise performing technique are important in the exercising. The class is focused on beginner level exercises. It is recommended to be without shoes. A rubber band, a pilates ball or a foam roller may be used. The class is not recommended during the pregnancy.
Choreography: none

This is a livestream class with participants. Only register for the class if you come to SportUni Kauppi. You can join online via the Zoom link below. The link is visible only to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with tuni ids.
WholeWorks* Fitness After an easy warm-up there will be simple muscle workout, aerobic and body balance exercises in turns. The movements are performed at your own pace so the class is suitable for both beginners and advanced level. Recovering stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: easy

Kettlebell Fitness Swing time! This kettlebell class gets your heartrate up and your whole body moving. The training includes dynamic moves that target strength, and balance as well as muscle and cardio endurance. Each class begins with a warm-up and an introduction to the basic techniques of kettlebell training so that everyone from beginner to kettlebell veteran can join. The class consists of different movement patterns that are executed against time. A short cool-down concludes each class.
Choreography: None

Location City Centre campus: Lawn next to the outdoor gym or the end of the E-wing (shelter / lawn). In case of rain under the shelter. Pick up a kettlebell from the lobby of Atalpa Sports Center.
Fitness boxing Aerobic Fitness boxing is a nice and challenging class, where active leg exercises as well as punch and dodge moves performed are challenging for the entire body. The class includes warm-up, boxing session with punching bag and in pairs, and muscle-toning exercises. It is suitable for everyone regardless the fitness level.
Choreography: none
SportUniBody* LS staff Fitness *Class only for staff members. Via online allowed also for students*
Easy warm-up choreography in the beginning of the class is followed by the fitness part including muscular work out with and without equipment. Stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: easy

This is a livestream class with participants. Only register for the class if you come to SportUni Kauppi. You can join online via the Zoom link below. The link is visible only to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with tuni ids.
BoostBreak* LS Balance Welcome to join SportUni's break exercise! You can participate from home/office/class using Zoom. You can also come to SportUni Kauppi to join.
WholeWorks* LS Fitness After an easy warm-up there will be simple muscle workout, aerobic and body balance exercises in turns. The movements are performed at your own pace so the class is suitable for both beginners and advanced level. Recovering stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: easy

This is a livestream class with participants. Only register for the class if you come to SportUni Kauppi. You can join online via the Zoom link below. The link is visible only to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with tuni ids.
Vinyasa Flow Yoga LS Balance The Vinyasa Flow class is made for those looking for a dynamic yet gentle yoga practice. The theme of each class varies weekly and the focus is on developing strength, balance and mobility. All is brought together with a conscious breath that leads the movement. The class starts with a breathing exercise and through dynamic movement sequences wrapped up with relaxation.

We always practice listening to our own bodies. The class is suitable for both beginners and experienced yogis.

Choreography: None
Tabata Aerobic An effective and heart-rate-raising workout for the whole body! After an energetic warm-up, Tabata work sections are performed with body weight or using variable equipment. In the Tabata segments, movements are performed for a certain time and briefly recover in between. Stretching at the end of the class.

The class is suitable for everyone who likes effective endurance and muscle fitness training, wants to improve their physical fitness and get energy from exercise!

Choreography: Easy
Morning yoga* Balance Morning yoga helps the body to wake up in a gentle way. Exercise takes care of the body and mind. Morning yoga includes short warm-up, asanas and guided relaxation. Asana practice challenges the balance and increases the mobility. The exercise is done consciously, listening to breathing and body sensations. The content of the class may vary between Hatha and Yin. Please take warm clothes and socks for the relaxation. This class is suitable for beginners.
Choreography: none
Hatha yoga* Balance The class begins with a short body mindfulness moment followed by a gentle flowing series of asanas to warm up the body. Gradually we move onto longer holds in asanas, and the class ends in deep relaxation. This class is suitable for beginners.
Choreography: none
Technique* Fitness
24you* Fitness
Latinos Aerobic
Mobility* Balance
Stretching* Balance Stretching is important part of the muscle maintenance improving mobility and metabolism. The class includes both active mobility exercises and more passive stretching, with the goal of feeling good. This class is suitable for beginners.
Choreography: none

DanceChoreo Aerobic Have you wanted to try different dance styles? Now it's easy! At DanceChoreo class, you can enjoy the best parts of different dance styles, e.g. show dance, lyrical and contemporary dance. Each class we learn one new fun and lively dance choreography. Previous dance experience is not necessarily needed.
Choreography: easy/middle


Bodycare45* staff Balance *Class only for staff members*
Is your neck stuck? Back stiff and sore? Are you having difficulties to move? This body care class is for you. We learn to take care of our bodies through a variety of easy exercises. The lesson consists of three sections: warm-up, body strength, and mobility.
Choreography: none
Zumba®Step45 Aerobic Step and shake it! Zumba® Step is a dance class where the joy of sports and versatility of the dance styles are combined. Easy dance steps on a step board to both fast and slow latin rhythms are performed to increase and decrease the pulse rate. Zumba Step class will be used a step board. The length of the class is 45 minutes.

Choreography: middle
Yin yoga* LS Balance Yin yoga is a passive and meditative exercise that helps calm the body and mind and restore physical exertion, stress and urgency. In yin yoga, we stay in each position / asana for 1-5 minutes and utilize aids such as a yoga brick to get a good posture. The class is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their body mobility and increase inner peace.
Choreography: none

This is a livestream class with participants. Only register for the class if you come to SportUni Kauppi. You can join online via the Zoom link below. The link is visible only to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with tuni ids.
StepBody Aerobic Fun and sweaty! In StepBody class we do aerobic exercises with the step board and muscle fitness exercises with equipment in turns. You can affect the load of the class by adjusting the height of the step board.
Choreography: easy/middle
Dance&Shine Aerobic Dance your worries away! Dance&Shine is a fun dance class full of speed and power. The dance style and mood changes during the class. In this class you move with your own style, and no previous dance background is necessarily needed.
Choreography: easy/middle
Pilates staff Balance *Class only for staff members*
Posture with the deepest muscles! Pilates is a body coordination technique targeting to strengthen the deepest muscles, enhance coordination and posture as well as the join movement. The correct breathing and precise performing technique are important in the exercising. The class is focused on beginner level exercises. It is recommended to be without shoes. The class is not recommended during the pregnancy.
Choreography: none
Pump! LS Fitness Muscle power! Muscle endurance class with pump bars and dumbbels. Simple but effective movements are focused on strengthening the muscles of the whole body. First a short warm up after which muscular endurance part (40 min). Short stretching at the end of the class.
Choreography: none

This is a livestream class with participants. Only register for the class if you come to SportUni Kauppi. You can join online via the Zoom link below. The link is visible only to those who have paid the SportUni fee and are logged in with tuni ids.
Spin&Body Aerobic Welcome to join a fun and effective combination class. About half of the class we pedal on spin bikes raising the heart rate. The latter half of the class we do muscle workout with different equipment, focusing especially on the upper body. The class ends with stretching.

Choreography: none