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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2021–2022) opintotietoja.
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Opintojakso, lukuvuosi 2021–2022

Practices of Childhood and Family Life 2, 5 op

Tampereen yliopisto

Practices of Childhood and Family Life 2 (Participation in teaching), Finnish

Participation in teaching
5 op
General scale, 0-5
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Social Sciences 100 %

Ohjelmassa oleva opetus


Research Traditions and Concepts of Chilhood and Family Research 1, Lectures

Online teaching (Finnish)
13.9.2021 – 5.11.2021
Aktiivinen periodissa 1 (1.8.2021–23.10.2021)
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (24.10.2021–31.12.2021)

Current Issues in Childhood and Family Research 1, Learning diary

Learning diary (Finnish)
16.8.2021 – 31.7.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 1 (1.8.2021–23.10.2021)
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (24.10.2021–31.12.2021)
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)

Work, Family and Care, Lectures

Lectures (Finnish)
29.10.2021 – 10.12.2021
Aktiivinen periodissa 2 (24.10.2021–31.12.2021)

Childhood, Youth and Family, Online teaching

Online teaching (Finnish)
17.1.2022 – 31.5.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)

Family and Health, Lectures

Lectures (Finnish)
23.2.2022 – 31.5.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)

Current Issues in Childhood and Family Research 1, Online teaching

Online teaching (Finnish)
1.1.2022 – 31.7.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)

Services, daily life and life-course, Lectures

Lectures (Finnish)
15.3.2022 – 3.5.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)

Social Interaction, Language and Social Relations, Seminar

Seminar (Finnish)
8.3.2022 – 29.4.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)

Global Histories of Childhood and Youth, Lectures

Online teaching (English)
7.3.2022 – 31.5.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)

This class will give you a general introduction to the field of the history of childhood in global perspective. Childhood is sometimes understood as an unchanging and natural stage of life through which humans pass. A look into the history of childhood shows, however, that childhood is constructed differently in different times and places. What was it like to be a child throughout history? How has childhood changed and how has it remained the same? These are some of the questions this course will address, in addition to the nuts and bolts of what it means to research and write histories of childhood.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

1) Articulate the main debates among historians of childhood, as will be assessed by the weekly worksheets.

2) Construct a brief, global history of childhood based on primary and secondary sources, as demonstrated by the final written essay. 



Lecture: Verkko-opetus


Work, Family and Care, Lectures

Lectures (Finnish)
11.3.2022 – 31.5.2022
Aktiivinen periodissa 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Aktiivinen periodissa 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)