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Course unit, curriculum year 2024–2025

Rehabilitation and assistive augmentation, 1 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 1 (1.8.2024–20.10.2024)
Active in period 2 (21.10.2024–31.12.2024)
Active in period 3 (1.1.2025–2.3.2025)
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2025–31.7.2025)
Course code
Language of instruction
Academic years
2024–2025, 2025–2026, 2026–2027
Level of study
Advanced studies
Grading scale
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Markku Turunen
Responsible teacher:
Maija Hirvonen
Responsible teacher:
Pauliina Baltzar
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences 100 %
Coordinating organisation
Communication Sciences Studies 100 %

In this module, we will look at different technologies for physical and motor rehabilitation, including exergames, virtual reality, gestures, robots, etc. Examples from research and current medical practices will be described, along with their benefits and limitations. Further, trends in assistive augmentation, e.g. technologies that enable us to enhance physical, sensorial, and cognitive capabilities, will be discussed.

Learning outcomes
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1

Independent study

01.08.2024 31.12.2024
Active in period 1 (1.8.2024–20.10.2024)
Active in period 2 (21.10.2024–31.12.2024)
01.01.2025 31.07.2025
Active in period 3 (1.1.2025–2.3.2025)
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2025–31.7.2025)