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Course unit, curriculum year 2023–2024

Deviant Behaviour, 5 cr

Tampere University
xcellent 5: Student can discuss, explain and compare causes and motives for deviant behaviour. Student can argue ways to explain deviant behaviour. Student knows wide variety of traditional and recent types of deviant behaviour. Good 3: Student can discuss and explain causes and motives for deviant behaviour. Student can differentiate and compare explanations for deviance. Student knows characteristics of traditional types of crime, such as violence or juvenile delinquency, and more recent types of deviant behaviour, such as cyberbullying or gambling addictions. Sufficient 1: Student is familiar with causes and motives for deviant behavior. Student can describe some explanations of deviance. Student can state some ways of deviant behavior.

Deviant behaviour (Participation in teaching); English, Finnish

Participation in teaching
Language of instruction
English, Finnish
5 cr
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Social Sciences 100 %

Scheduled teaching

Course unit realisation

Generation, Gender and Violence, Lectures

Lectures (Finnish)
8.3.2024 – 12.5.2024
Active in period 4 (4.3.2024–31.5.2024)
Study methods
Learning environments


Blended Learning: Väkivaltatyön messut