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Course unit, curriculum year 2024–2025

Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, 5 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 1 (1.8.2024–20.10.2024)
Active in period 3 (1.1.2025–2.3.2025)
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2025–31.7.2025)
Course code
Language of instruction
Finnish, English
Academic years
2024–2025, 2025–2026, 2026–2027
Level of study
Intermediate studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Mikko Hokka
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences 100 %
Coordinating organisation
Materials Science Studies 100 %
Core content
  • Introduction to mechanical material testing
  • Elastic deformation
  • Plastic deformation of non-crystalline materials
  • Dislocations and strenghtening mechanisms of crystalline materials
  • Fracture processes; fatigue and creep

Learning outcomes
Compulsory prerequisites
Further information
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1
The English implementation will be available from 2026-2027 onwards. With this implementation you will participate lectures and excercises, either virtually or f2f but in either case the teacher will be present.

Participation in teaching

09.01.2025 29.04.2025
Active in period 3 (1.1.2025–2.3.2025)
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)
Completion option 2
English version available from 2026-2027 onward. This implementation allows self study of the course during the summer. All evaluations of excercises, exams, and other submitted work will be given by 15th of August, and do not follow the normal 21 day rule.

Independent study

15.05.2024 31.08.2024
Active in period 1 (1.8.2024–20.10.2024)
15.05.2025 31.08.2025
Active in period 4 (3.3.2025–31.5.2025)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2025–31.7.2025)