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Course unit, curriculum year 2021–2022

Introduction to Image and Video Processing, 5 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 2 (24.10.2021–31.12.2021)
Active in period 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
Active in period 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)
Course code
Language of instruction
English, Finnish
Academic years
2021–2022, 2022–2023, 2023–2024
Level of study
Intermediate studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Moncef Gabbouj
Responsible teacher:
Sari Peltonen
Responsible teacher:
Anton Muravev
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences 100 %
Coordinating organisation
Computing Sciences Studies 100 %
Core content
  • Definition and representation of digital image, basics of the human visual system, brightness adaptation and discrimination, image formation, two-dimensional sampling and quantization
  • Image enhancement and restoration both in spatial and frequency domains, two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform and classes of spatial and frequency domain filters
  • The basics of color vision, color models and pseudocolor images
  • The basics of video processing, video file formats, resolutions and bit rates
  • Motion analysis and estimation, motion compensated filtering, deinterlacing and sampling rate conversion
  • Topics of the possible visiting lecture
Complementary knowledge
  • History of digital image processing, application areas and basic relationships between pixels
  • Continuous two-dimensional Fourier transform, properties of the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform, other transforms and mathematical representation of individual filters
  • Color transformations between color models, color image smoothing and sharpening
  • Video enhancement
  • Details of the possible visiting lecture
Specialist knowledge
  • Mathematical derivation of the properties of the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform
  • MPEG standards
Learning outcomes
Compulsory prerequisites
Further information
Learning material
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1
English implementation on 2nd period and Finnish implementation on 3rd period
Completion of all options is required.

Participation in teaching

25.10.2021 12.12.2021
Active in period 2 (24.10.2021–31.12.2021)
10.01.2022 27.02.2022
Active in period 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)


13.12.2021 22.12.2021
Active in period 2 (24.10.2021–31.12.2021)
26.01.2022 08.03.2022
Active in period 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
23.02.2022 20.03.2022
Active in period 3 (1.1.2022–6.3.2022)
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
09.03.2022 05.04.2022
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
24.03.2022 24.03.2022
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
09.04.2022 29.04.2022
Active in period 4 (7.3.2022–15.5.2022)
16.05.2022 05.06.2022
Active in period 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)