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You are browsing the curriculum of a past academic year (2020–2021).
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Course unit, curriculum year 2020–2021

Current Issues in Childhood and Family Research, 5–10 cr

Tampere University
Teaching periods
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
Active in period 3 (1.1.2021–7.3.2021)
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2021–31.7.2021)
Course code
Language of instruction
Academic year
Level of study
Intermediate studies
Grading scale
General scale, 0-5
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Katja Repo
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Social Sciences 100 %
Opintojaksolla perehdytään aihealueen tutkimuksen ajankohtaisiin kysymyksiin. Opintojakson voi suorittaa osallistumalla sähköiseen tenttiin ja/tai vuosittain vaihtuvaan opetukseen.
Learning outcomes
Learning material
Studies that include this course
Completion option 1

Participation in teaching

09.09.2020 10.11.2020
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
28.08.2020 08.10.2020
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
08.10.2020 25.11.2020
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
23.10.2020 03.12.2020
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
26.01.2021 30.04.2021
Active in period 3 (1.1.2021–7.3.2021)
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
09.03.2021 13.05.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
09.03.2021 18.05.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
16.03.2021 05.08.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2021–31.7.2021)
17.03.2021 14.05.2021
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Completion option 2


01.09.2020 31.07.2021
Active in period 1 (1.8.2020–18.10.2020)
Active in period 2 (19.10.2020–31.12.2020)
Active in period 3 (1.1.2021–7.3.2021)
Active in period 4 (8.3.2021–31.5.2021)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2021–31.7.2021)
Completion option 3

Independent study

No scheduled teaching