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Selaat menneen lukuvuoden (2019–2020) opintotietoja.
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Tutkinto-ohjelma, lukuvuosi 2019–2020

Master's Degree Programme in Software Development, 120 op

Tampereen yliopisto

Students having completed the Master’s degree will

  • have a thorough command of some aspect of computer sciences
  • be familiar with scientific thinking and capable of applying scientific working methods in their own are of specialization
  • be motivated for lifelong learning
  • be capable of undertaking scientific postgraduate studies
  • be capable of applying the knowledge acquired and of functioning in internationalizing working life
  • be capable of communicating in scientific situations
  • be conversant with the ethical norms of the field and apply these in their own work

After completing the Master's Degree Programme in Software Development the student has skills and knowledge needed to produce high-quality software in demanding and comprehensive software projects, acting in different roles. The skills and knowledge come from different areas of software development: requirements management, software modeling and specification, implementation and testing software, and software project management. Also, the student is capable of undertaking doctoral studies in the area of software development.

Sisällön kuvaus
Content of Master of Science Degree (120 ECTS):
  • Advanced courses 40 ECTS
  • Master's thesis 40 ECTS
  • Other courses 40 ECTS, including: Orientation course,  guided planning of studies and language studies for International/TAU/Finnish students

Bachelor's degree in a suitable field or equivalent studies, and a good knowledge of English.

The students BSc studies need to include the following studies, and if not, they need to be studied and can be included in the "Optional studies" category:

  • Mathematics, 20 ECTS or equivalent.
  • TIETA6 Data structures
  • TIETA7 Data base programming

TIEA4 Project Work or TIETA20 Innovation Project course is compulsory, if the student has not done it at the Tampere University. 

Master of Science
120 op
Tutkinto-ohjelman tyyppi
Master's Degree
City centre campus
742201 Master of Science, Computer Science
  • Information and Communication Technologies
Responsible teacher:
Hannu-Matti Järvinen
Responsible teacher:
Zheying Zhang