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Teaching schedule, curriculum year 2019–2020

Advanced theme studies in education: International and multidisciplinary perspectives on education beyond Finland, Seminar

Seminar (English)
12.2.2020 – 3.6.2020
Active in period 3 (1.1.2020–1.3.2020)
Active in period 4 (2.3.2020–31.5.2020)
Active in period 5 (1.6.2020–31.7.2020)

Participation in teaching (English)

The theme consists of 2 courses.

1) "Schooling and childhoods in socialist and post-socialist societies"
This course is offered as cooperation with the Russian and Eastern European Studies (ExpREES) national MA programme, so the course will cater to the MA students at EDU and it is also open to students across Finnish universities and TUNI faculties who take part in ExpREES.

2) "Decentering the global"
This course is offered as cooperation between EDU, MAB and SOC at TUNI and supported by the New Social Research programme at TUNI. The course is multidisciplinary and it accommodates students from three faculties at TUNI.

Required performances


Schooling and childhoods in socialist and post-socialist societies

Global responsibility

Method of attainment
Participation in teaching
Language of instruction
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Education and Culture
Persons responsible
Íris Alves dos Santos
Responsible teacher:
Nelli Piattoeva
Zsuzsanna Millei
Primary course unit