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Teaching schedule, curriculum year 2021–2022

Student's Well-being and Life Skills, Online teaching

Online teaching (Finnish)
1.6.2022 – 31.7.2022
Active in period 5 (16.5.2022–31.7.2022)

Opintojakso kestää 31.7 saakka, jonka jälkeen suoritusvaatimukset täyttäneille kirjataan suoritus.

Study methods
Learning material
Learning environments
Required performances

Kesäperiodin itsenäinen toteutus

Kesäperiodin itsenäinen toteutus

Method of attainment
Independent study
Language of instruction
English, Finnish
Responsible organisation
Faculty of Social Sciences
Coordinating organisation
Psychology Studies
Persons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Pauli Orden
Primary course unit