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Study module, curriculum year 2020–2021
History studies for students of other degree programmes, At least 60 cr
Tampere University
- Description
- Content
60 op:n Historian perus- ja aineopintojen kokonaisuuteen suorita:
Historian perusopinnot 25 op
Historian aineopinnot 35 op:
HISA01 Historian pitkät linjat ja murrokset
HISA02 Historian tutkimusprosessi
HISA03-06 Historiantutkimuksen ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä 10op
HISA07-09 Menetelmäopinnot 5op
HISAK Kandidaattiseminaari ja aineopintojen tutkielma
Study module code
HISVOLanguage of instruction
Academic year
2020–2021Level of study
Intermediate studiesFields of study
HumanitiesPersons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Mervi KaarninenFurther information
Study module code
HISVOLanguage of instruction
Academic year
2020–2021Level of study
Intermediate studiesFields of study
HumanitiesPersons responsible
Responsible teacher:
Mervi Kaarninen