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TAMK Student's Handbook

Register as a new student

Registering for the first academic year

All students must register for each academic year - either present or absent. Please note that first-year students can only register as absent on statutory grounds specified at the bottom of the page.


Tuition fee paying students: 

Your registration is completed when you pay the first installment of your tuition fee. 

TAMK has partnered with Flywire to accept payments from international students worldwide. Easily and securely make tuition fee payments in your own currency, using local payment methods from the safety and convenience of your home. With real-time tracking and Around-the-clock multilingual support, millions of students and families around the world trust Flywire for payment processing.

Pay now with Flywire

Any questions about fees, scholarship waivers or payment? Send a message to the TAMK Welcome Team at welcome.tamk [at]

Please check the instructions and details on tuition fees and scholarship waiver options on the registration form. After payment and registration is received, you will receive a signed and stamped Acceptance Letter in order to proceed with your immigration process. 


Non-paying students: 

You can register when confirming your study place in Opintopolku / Studyinfo  The link will appear after you confirm your study place.


Absence in the first year of studies

First-year students can only register as absent on statutory grounds (source: Universities of Applied Sciences Act 325/2015 § 29-30):

  • to complete Finnish national service in accordance with the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or Act on Voluntary Military Service for Women (194/1995); Supporting document to be sent to admissions.tamk [at] (subject: Registration%20as%20ABSENT%202020-2021) (admissions[dot]tamk[at]tuni[dot]fi) : The Finnish assignment to service to demonstrate that the service will be completed during the academic year
  • need child care leave in connection with child birth or adoption (53/2022); Supporting document to be sent to admissions.tamk [at] (subject: Registration%20as%20ABSENT%202020-2021) (admissions[dot]tamk[at]tuni[dot]fi) : Kela’s certificate of maternity, paternity or parental allowance period or, if one is not yet available, a medical certificate of the pregnancy. Paternity leave can only be demonstrated with Kela’s certificate. Equivalent certificates of statutory parental leaves given by foreign authorities are also accepted.
  • if unable to begin the studies due to an illness or disability. Supporting document to be sent to admissions.tamk [at] (subject: Registration%20as%20ABSENT%202020-2021) (admissions[dot]tamk[at]tuni[dot]fi) : The Finnish sickness allowance decision or, if not available, a medical certificate. The illness or disability as well as the fact that it specifically prevents you from beginning your studies on 1 August / 1 January has to be stated on the medical certificate. Sufficient documentation of obstacles caused by practical arrangements related to the illness or disability, for example a student housing foundation’s certificate of queuing for a special needs flat. The student’s personal notification is not enough. It also has to be demonstrated how the issue will be handled. Disability is a permanent state and thus it is not enough to refer to the disability. There has to be temporary disability-related grounds for absence.

NB! Transfer students cannot register as absent.

If you are relocating from outside Finland, we advise you start the immigration process as soon as possible and keep us informed of your arrival by filling in the Arrival Form.

Published: 6.5.2019
Updated: 29.5.2024