
Persons working in teaching roles need new ideas and dialogue with their colleagues in order to improve in their work. Ideas on how to develop one’s teaching work can be born from listening to the experiences of others, for example at national and international conferences where experiences and good practices are shared. The experiences and good teaching development practices learned in these conferences can then be shared with other members of Tampere higher education community.

You can suggest a conference to be added onto this page by submitting your suggestion using the feedback form. You can also advertise conferences on the TLC (Teams for Learning and Collaboration) community’s Teams platform, specifically in the SIG (Special Interest Group) – Language and Cultural Awareness – channel.  

National conferences


ITK Conference

Symposium of higher education in Finland

AMK- ja ammatillisen koulutuksen tutkimuspäivät (FiVERA) (in Finnish)

Ammattikorkeakoulujen kielten ja viestinnän opetuksen päivät (in Finnish)

Language Centre Days, Vaasan yliopisto

International conferences

Nätverk och Utveckling
OEB Global Conference, Berlin

List of conferences related to teaching technology.

More information for the personnel

TAMKin lockStaff’s participation in international project planning and conference events.

Links checked 21.12.2023