Support services

This website lists the support services for developing teaching available in the Tampere higher education community.

What kind of support do you need?

Do you have a question related to the information systems or digital tools of the higher education community?

Through Helppari, you can reach IT specialists related to various services and tools in one place. Ask your questions about e.g. Moodle, Teams, email, AV and choose the contact method that suits your situation from these options:

Do you need help with pedagogical planning and course development?

TLC offers the opportunity to request pedagogical support to help and guide in questions related to the development of teaching.

Supporting you in developing teaching:

School of Pedagogical Innovations and Culture (TAMK)

TLC and TAMK Professional Teacher Education are responsible for promoting TAMK’s pedagogical development programme lock. Contact information of the PERAKU unit lock.

Education and Learning Services (TAMK)

TAMK’s education and learning services lock provide services centrally in the following areas: admissions, student administration, guidance and well-being, internationalization, and support for the thesis process (Wihi).

The Support Services for Teacher and Study Guidance, TLC (TAU)

The task of the team is to provide pedagogical support for teaching staff and operators and develop the university’s pedagogical practices. Contact information for the Teachers and Guidance Services team. lock

Are you looking for tips and options for planning, developing teaching, and choosing digital tools?

Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC)

TLC’s website lock contains materials and tips from teaching planning to assessment.

Digital mentors

Digital mentoring comprises support and development operations for the staff of the Tampere higher education community. Its objectives are to increase awareness and practical skills regarding the opportunities offered by digitalisation and to share good practices within the higher education community. Read more and find the contact information of your community’s digital mentor (in Finnish).

Digital Toolkit

The Digital Toolkit website shares tips and short instructions on digital tools and how to use them in teaching and studying, as well as to support the work community and one’s work.

Time for training and developing digital skills?

Eduhouse Online

The self-study materials of the Eduhouse Online training portal (instructions for logging in) lock contain a few minutes of instructional videos on how to use different tools. Eduhouse’s digital Classrooms are available for you and free of charge for staff and students.

IT Services

On the IT Services website, you will find the higher education community’s own instructions for using various services and in-house instructions for remote working and data security, for example.

Staff training

You can find the training offered by the higher education community on TLC’s training calendar or the events sections of the intranet.

Elsewhere in TLC

Ask for pedagogical support

Links checked 18.12.2023