TLC theme week: It´s all about learning design

23 November 2021

How could I utilize case-based learning in my teaching? And what kind of design templates there are for pedagogical planning?

Answers to these and many other themes, can be found in the pedagogical design subpage of the Teaching and Learning Center website. The page includes a wide range of different pedagogical models as well as teaching methods to enhance teaching. You will find both theoretical information and practical tips to support your teaching. 

In today’s blog post (in Finnish) by Niclas Sandström invites you into dialogical triathlon and to share your thoughts related to pedagogical learning design. 

Join the afternoon tweetchat lock on Twitter at 15.30-16.00. Create yourself a Twitter account, follow @tuni_tlc and join the conversation or take a photo of yourself in front of the TLC roll-up and Tweet #tuni_tlc!   

Welcome aboard!