Learning analytics

Practical learning analytics for teachers

Learning analytics means the use of data generated during the learning process to support student guidance, assessment and content development. The data can be information generated by the student’s activities or log data generated by learning environments and digital tools. Learning analytics can support and guide learning, provide insights into the learning process and provide valuable information for the development of teaching.

Learning analytics helps to conclude

  • what has happened in the learning process (descriptive analytics)
  • why this has happened (diagnostic analytics)
  • how to proceed in the future (prescriptive analytics)
  • what might happen in the future (predictive analytics)

Using learning analytics

This guide describes easy ways to use learning analytics with the digital tools available in the Tampere Universities. In the following tables, the use cases for learning analytics are categorized according to the learning environment or digital tool in use. First, choose which tool you are using in the course and read the table to find out what kind of analytics data that tool generates and how you can use it for different purposes.


Use caseToolLinks
Student progress
Show students their progress in the course and in different tasksCompletion trackingInstructions
Set up an automatic feedback or message to be sent to the student when a certain target is reached or a certain deadline is approachingReengagementInstructions
Build a learning path to the course areaCompletion trackingInstructions
Show students their assessment of the different tasksGradesInstructions
Guidance and support
Review individual student progress and identify support needsReports/course participationInstructions
Review the progress of the whole group on the course and identify students who need guidanceCompletion trackingInstructions
Content development
Review students’ activity in the different tools and resources Reports/activity completionInstructions
Examine students’ grades in different tasks.GradesInstructions
View students’ grades for a particular assignmentAssignmentInstructions
View students’ grades in a particular examQuizInstructions

M365 in teaching and learning

Use caseToolLinks
Guidance and support
See an overview of student activity in the Teams Education group (course area), e.g.
– Students’ visits to the group
– Statistics on assignments returned by students
– The number of messages and message replies from students in the group
Teams Education group: InsightsInstructions
View student attendance at Teams meetings Teams: Calendar / Meeting / AttendeesInstructions
View the results of activities (e.g. surveys and chat messages) used in Teams meetings afterwardsTeams: Calendar / Meeting / Select activityInstructions
Collect attendance and students’ feelings & updatesReflectInstructions
View an overview of the task cards and statistics in Planner Planner: Charts Instructions
Content development
Review the activity of all your Teams groups, for example to remove unnecessary groups Teams: AnalyticsInstructions
View viewing statistics for Sway presentationsSway: AnalyticsInstructions
View Stream video viewing ratesStream: AnalyticsInstructions
Grade assignments returned by students, give feedback and review the statistics in the Teams Education group (course area)Teams Education group: AssignmentsInstructions
Evaluate responses to a Forms form or grade quiz (e.g. exam or other assignment) and review the statisticsForms: ResponsesInstructions


Use caseToolLinks
Student progress
Tell students where to find assessed exams and feedback from examsExam / AssessmentInstructions
Content development
Review the exam summary and examine e.g.
Is the duration of the exam correct in relation to the tasks in the exam?
Has the verbal feedback from the exam performance assessments been read?
Are there too many difficult or easy questions in the exam?
Exam / Exam summaryInstructions
Assess exam submissions and give verbal feedback to studentsExam / AssessmentInstruction

Video services

Use caseToolLinks
Student progress
View student-specific viewing statistics of recordings Panopto / AnalyticsInstructions
Content development
View the viewing statistics of the recordings and the student’s activity during the viewing (comments, notes) Panopto / AnalyticsInstructions


  • Interpretation: Learning analytics helps you to get insight about the learning process, but it rarely tells the whole truth. Take into account other ways of demonstrating learning and activity that are not recorded in learning analytics. Students also need guidance in interpreting the data displayed to them.
  • Implications: Consider the potential impact of analytics on motivation. Include positive information and messages, as falling behind others and highlighting failures can also discourage or undermine motivation.
  • Openness and transparency: Be sure to tell students what information about their activities will be recorded and collected, and who will use it and for what purpose. Explain the reasons for collecting the data (legal/consent).
  • Retention and deletion. According to the regulations on the assessment of studies lock, data related to the evaluation must be kept for a certain period of time. However, please ensure that the data are properly deleted after that period.