Minor in Smart Grids, 25 cr

Type of the study module

Intermediate Studies


Pertti Järventausta, Enrique Acha Daza

Learning Outcomes

- After passing the minor the student is able to recognize, manage, and use common scientific and professional concepts of the field in general level.


Compulsory courses

- Recommended year of a course: 3 means the first year at Master level studies and 4 the second year

Course Credit points Class
DEE-23106 Fundamentals of Electrical and Power Engineering 5 cr III  
DEE-23116 Introduction to Smart Grids 3 cr III  
DEE-53106 Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources 3 cr III  
Total 11 cr  

Optional Compulsory Courses

Optional courses should be selected so that the content of the whole minor is at least 25 credits. Courses DEE-33106, DEE-34106, DEE-34206, DEE-53117, DEE-54107, and DEE-24126 focus more on integration of distributed energy resources and power electronics and courses DEE-24116, DEE-24137, DEE-24126, DEE-53117 and DEE-54107 more on active distribution network management issues.

Must be selected at least 14 credits of courses

Course Credit points Class
ASE-1258 Introduction to Control 4-6 cr III  
DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems 5 cr III  
DEE-24116 Distribution Automation 5 cr III  
DEE-24126 Flexible Transmission Systems 5 cr IV  
DEE-24137 Distributed Energy Resources in Electricity Networks 5 cr IV  
DEE-24906 Electrical Energy Engineering Project Work 2-10 cr IV  
DEE-33106 Switched-Mode Converters 5 cr III  
DEE-33116 Power Electronics Converters 5 cr III  
DEE-34016 Modeling and Control of Electric Drives 5 cr IV  
DEE-34037 Design Project in Power Electronics 5 cr IV  
DEE-34106 Converter Dynamics and EMC 5 cr III  
DEE-34206 Dynamics and Control of Grid-Connected Converters 5 cr IV  
DEE-34306 Modeling of Electrical Machines and Magnetic Materials 5 cr IV  
DEE-53117 Solar Power Systems 5 cr IV  
DEE-54107 Wind Power Systems 5 cr IV  
TST-01606 Demola Project Work 5-10 cr IV  

Additional information

Only intended as a minor

Updated by: Systä Kari, 08.03.2017