IHA-4506 Advanced Robotics, 5 cr
Suitable for postgraduate studies.
Ei toteuteta lukuvuonna 2017-2018.
Roel Pieters, Reza Ghabcheloo
Toteutuskerta | Periodi | Vastuuhenkilö | Suoritusvaatimukset |
IHA-4506 2017-01 | - |
Reza Ghabcheloo |
Excercies and project work |
Students will learn about wheeled robot: 1 Steering systems, maneuverability, Kinematic modeling (differential drive and articulated frame steering) 2 Kinematic based motion control: path following, pure pursuit, pose control, line following 3 Path smoothing and planning, 4 Obstacle avodance: potential field, velocity obstacles 5 Potential field for non-euclidean and rigib body robots 6 Polygon robots and obstacles and collision checking/avoidance 7 Decoupled trajectory planning and optimal control 7 Position based visual servoing 8 Force control, impedance control 9 Robot control system architecture: mobile robots and manipulators (10 Machine learning and robot motion control )
Sisältö | Ydinsisältö | Täydentävä tietämys | Erityistietämys |
1. | Pose (position and heading) feedback and control: trajectory tracking, path following, and pose control | Robot kinematics and steering mechanisms | |
2. | Range sensor feedback and obstacle avoidance | ||
3. | Force feedback and compliance control | ||
4. | Robot control architectures |
Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi
Returned assignments and term projects
Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)
Opintojakso | P/S | Selite |
ASE-1130 Automaatio | Mandatory | 1 |
ASE-9406 Robot Manipulators: Modeling, Control and Programming | Mandatory | 2 |
1 . ASE-1258 Intorduction to control
2 . IHA 4306 Fundamental of Mobile Robots
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