SGN-14007 Introduction to Audio Processing, 5 cr

Person responsible

Tuomas Virtanen, Annamaria Mesaros, Pasi Pertilä


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
SGN-14007 2018-01 3 Annamaria Mesaros
Pasi Pertilä
Tuomas Virtanen

Learning Outcomes

This is a basic course on audio and speech signal processing. The course introduces what are audio signals, their properties, and the most common ways they are processed. It introduces the basics of human hearing, in order to develop understanding how humans perceive audio signals. It presents selected modern applications of audio signal processing. After the course, the student -Can design and implement algorithms for processing audio and speech signals using some common programming language -Can take into account the properties of acoustic signals and human hearing in the design of audio signal processing systems. -Can analyze and use the most common audio signal representations. -Can explain the main principles of common audio signal processing operations (equalization, dynamic control, perceptual audio coding), and understands where they can be used -Can recognize the most common modern audio processing applications such as automatic speech recognition. Can use these applications using existing software. Understands the possibilities and limitations of the applications.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Basic properties of audio and speech signals. Most common representations of audio signals. Introduction to acoustics and hearing.     
2. Processing of digital audio signals: dynamic control, equalization, perceptual audio coding and speech coding, sound synthesis.     
3. Modern applications of audio and speech signal processing: automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, music signal processing and information retrieval.     

Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes

The course is marked based on the partly the exam points, exercise points, and lecture diaries. The highest mark is given for correct exam answers that cover the depth and breadth delivered at the lectures and by actively solving the weekly exercise questions, and writing the lecture diaries. The threshold for passing the course is at about half of the maximum amount of points. An acceptable project work has to be returned by the deadline.

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
SGN-11000 Signaalinkäsittelyn perusteet Mandatory   1
SGN-11007 Introduction to Signal Processing Mandatory   1

1 . SNG-11000, SGN-11006 or SGN-11007 is required.

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
SGN-14007 Introduction to Audio Processing, 5 cr SGN-14006 Audio and Speech Processing, 5 cr  

Updated by: Virtanen Tuomas, 03.12.2018