IHA-4506 Advanced Robotics, 5 cr


Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Roel Pieters, Reza Ghabcheloo


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
IHA-4506 2018-01 1 - 2 Reza Ghabcheloo
Roel Pieters
Excercies and project work


Students will learn some of advanced topics in Robotics. We will introduce number of topics in series of lectures every second week. Students are given assignments on each topic. The assignment include algorithm development and programming, and experimenting on a real robot. Covered topics are Robot control and control architectures Visual control and obstacle avoidance Force and compliance control Learning from demonstration


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. Robot motion control  Resolved rate control and inverse dyamic control  Stability, state feedback, Lyapunov based control design 
2. Visual feedback and obstacle avoidance  state estimation, kinematics  vector fields 
3. Force feedback and compliance control   feedback control   
4. Robot control architectures     
5. Learning from demonstration  dynamic systems, optimization   

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Returned assignments and term projects and demos.


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Opintojakso P/S Selite
ASE-1130 Automaatio Mandatory   1
ASE-9407 Robot Manipulators: Modeling, Control and Programming Mandatory    
IHA-4206 Mechatronics and Robot Programming Mandatory    
IHA-4306 Fundamentals of Mobile Robots Advisable    

1 . ASE-1258 Intorduction to control

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
You need to have basic understanding of dynamic systems and feedback control. ROS is our primary software platform. Some basics of Matlab is also needed.


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Ghabcheloo Reza, 13.06.2018