TTA-18016 Changing Subject Postgraduate Course on Industrial Management , 2-8 cr


The course is implemented each time with a changing theme. The requirements for completing the course as well as other implementation-specific details will be announced before each implementation. There is no predetermined and fixed schedule for course implementations.

Suitable for postgraduate studies.


Miia Martinsuo


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
TTA-18016 2019-03 1 Miia Martinsuo
1. Submitting a paper to be developed during the course
2. Participating in the two-day workshop
3. Completing a written peer review feedback on another student¿s paper
4. Completing a written self-assessment of one¿s own paper
5. Completing a ¿change log¿ indicating the intended modifications to one¿s own paper, based on the received feedback and learnings during the workshop
TTA-18016 2019-01 4 Miia Martinsuo
Participating in the workshop
Self-assessment of one's own paper
Peer review of another student's paper
Change log for one's own paper


Learning outcomes are defined separately for each implementation. The general learning outcome is to broaden and/or deepen the participants' knowledge on a topic in the research field of industrial management.

Tietoa esitietovaatimuksista
A post-graduate student status is a prerequisite for participation.


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TTA-18016 Changing Subject Postgraduate Course on Industrial Management , 2-8 cr TETA-9056 Changing Subject Postgraduate Course on Industrial Management , 2-8 cr  

Päivittäjä: Ullgren Sini, 02.04.2019