Doctoral Programme in Dynamic Wearable Applications with Privacy Constraints


Ohjelman vastuuhenkilö: Elina Orava, Jari Nurmi
Opetuksen suunnittelija: Elina Orava


- Regarding the expected training outcomes, at the end of A-WEAR training program the fellows will:
- - Have obtained an excellent background in the fields of communication and navigation architectures in wearables, Internet of Things and 5G technologies, privacy and security in wireless networks, eHealth and wearables platforms, edge/fog and cloud computing oriented platforms, D2D communications and protocols, and commercial applications of wearables
- Have acquired entrepreneurial, critical thinking, social and creative skills, following their participation in A-WEAR R, D, and T activities, proactive involvement in social media communication, multi-target work and team building activities
- Have acquired a large professional network from the A-WEAR units, the additional networking partners of each A-WEAR unit, the collaborative networks of A-WEAR, plus as a result of A-WEAR high visibility through various publication channels
- Be fully prepared to work in multi-cultural and multi-sector environments with a global mindset and to tackle any challenge regarding inter-personal communication and negotiation, as well as have acquired the needed skills to open new start-ups and to create new business models in wearable-based markets and future dynamic wireless communications
- Be able to come up with innovative solutions to counter-act the vulnerabilities in wearables and to reach ground-breaking results in research and development in their future career



Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet
Communications Engineering 25 op

The minimum scope of major studies (i.e. studies in the student's field of research) is 25 credits. Together with the general scientific studies the total extent of doctoral degree studies is min. 40 credits.

Tutkintoon liittyviä lisätietoja

A-WEAR is an international, multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial training network and joint doctorate programme on wearable computing. It is funded by the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie action, and it's beneficiaries together with Tampere University are Jaume I University (Spain), Brno University of Technology (Czech Rep.), Politehnica University of Bucharest (Romania) and The Mediterranean University (Italy). The A-WEAR units from these universities bring together a wide expertise needed to achieve A-WEAR objectives.

Päivittäjä: Orava Elina, 27.02.2019