ARK-04127 Architectural Design VI, 10 cr


Jenni Poutanen, Fernando Nieto Fernandez


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
ARK-04127 2019-01 3 - 4 Fernando Nieto Fernandez
Jenni Poutanen
Assessment criteria: Work in progress and final outcome are assessed through interim and final evaluations. Special emphasis is given to the evolution of the design process. Group work and individual assignments are assessed both in content (innovative and experimental approach, main architectural concept, relation to cityscape and surroundings, formal/structural/functional/spatial/technical solutions, adequacy between main concept and specific, material solutions) and presentation techniques (graphic representation, model work).

Requisites for assessment: Deadlines for course assignments must be met compulsorily. Attendance to all sessions is mandatory. Active participation in group work, tutorials and reviews is required.


After completing the course, students will be able to: -create and develop the design of buildings with public use that satisfy both aesthetic, functional and technical requirements -recognise and critically analyse the best practices of contemporary design of public buildings and use them in one¿s own design -interpret and develop the central architectonic, spatial, structural, functional and form-generating premises and thinking of the design of public buildings -evaluate the given site, draw conclusions and develop a concept; understand the relation of the immediate environment for the chosen approach of the building design and design it so that they form a whole -distinguish and integrate the structural and technical systems of public buildings and provide the internal conditions of comfort and protection against various climatic conditions by implementing the principles of sustainable development -further develop own architectural design skills acquired earlier by utilising the potential of architectural language and expression in the design project as a synthesis -develop and implement critical, abstract and conceptual thinking -develop independent work and cooperation with peers and teachers -manage a demanding project and develop presentation techniques and skills.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. The assignment consists of an architectural design task, generally carried out as an individual work, consisting of a large-sized complex building predominantly with public use associated to a specific, varying theme.      
2. Through iterative analysis and synthesis, students progressively become acquainted with the theme mostly through a hands-on approach, by proposing architectural solutions to give a response to the specific theme. .     
3. The practical approach is supported with theory-based inputs or lectures.      
4. The level of definition is the one required to understand the holistic architectural solution and the manner in which the main project concept is materialised into an architectural reality.     

Ohjeita opiskelijalle osaamisen tasojen saavuttamiseksi

Assessment criteria: Work in progress and final outcome are assessed through interim and final evaluations. Special emphasis is given to the evolution of the design process. Group work and individual assignments are assessed both in content (innovative and experimental approach, main architectural concept, relation to cityscape and surroundings, formal/structural/functional/spatial/technical solutions, adequacy between main concept and specific, material solutions) and presentation techniques (graphic representation, model work). Requisites for assessment: Deadlines for course assignments must be met compulsorily. Attendance to all sessions is mandatory. Active participation in group work, tutorials and reviews is required. Assessment scale: 0-5 (0/ fail; 1/ poor; 2/ satisfactory; 3/ good; 4/ very good; 5/ excellent)


Numerical evaluation scale (0-5)


Opintojakso P/S Selite
ARK-02121 Rakennussuunnittelu III Mandatory    
ARK-04126 Architectural Design V Advisable    


Opintojakso ei vastaan mitään toista opintojaksoa

Päivittäjä: Hokkanen Mirja, 10.01.2020