PLA-55106 Knowledge Management, 5 cr


KM course is for master phase students. The course language is English. The execution of the course is hybrid, i.e. there are both classroom learning and distance learning (100%) options available. The learning is supported with Moodle-course management system and video captures of lectures. The requirements for credits of this KM course include compulsory individual and group exercises with time constraints.


Anu Suominen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
PLA-55106 2019-01 1 - 2 Marko Seppänen
Anu Suominen
Mandatory course credit requirements: participating in a pre-course survey and passing the individual and group exercises presented in the course's pages in Moodle learning management system.


Students will learn to describe and apply the basic and key theoretical concepts as well as key theories of Knowledge management (KM) that are rooted both in information technology and management. The aim is that students comprehend the management of knowledge as a strategic asset. Thus, they will learn a range of KM strategies and practices used in organizations to deal with knowledge that is either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizations as processes or practices. Therefore, this course provides students an ability to understand the connection between KM and strategic management. In addition, students will learn to understand the role Social Media has in KM. In addition to the subject matters, the students will improve their academic capabilities regarding their academic research and writing skills, as well as various digital competences, group collaboration skills, as well as oral communication skills in English.


Sisältö Ydinsisältö Täydentävä tietämys Erityistietämys
1. - Basic and key theoretical concepts as well as key theories of Knowledge management. - Academic knowledge capture and creation, sharing and dissemination, acquisition and application in English including skills of literature search, analysis and synthesis and ability to apply it in scientific writing. - Digital competences in both closed and open communities, such as Digital literacy, Communication and collaboration, and Digital content creation excluding programming. - Group collaboration skills in face-to-face and/or virtual groups and verbal. - oral communication skills in English.  Range of KM strategies and practices used in organizations to deal with knowledge that is either embodied in individuals or embedded in organizations as processes or practices. The connection between KM and strategic management. The role of Social Media in KM.   The connection of KM to specific fields of industry, such as Information technology. Copyright issues of open online communities.  


Tyyppi Nimi Tekijä ISBN URL Lisätiedot Tenttimateriaali
Lecture slides     Anu Suominen       Lecture materials provided by the lecturers   No   
Other literature   Journal articles on Knowledge management         Chosen by lecturers   No   
Online book   Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice   Dalkir, Kimiz       e-book available at TUT Library   No   


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PLA-55106 Knowledge Management, 5 cr PLA-55100 Knowledge Management, 5 cr  

Päivittäjä: Palmroth Tanja, 13.04.2019