Health Informatics, intermediate studies as elective studies, 25 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Intermediate Studies


Hannu Nieminen, Ilkka Korhonen, Alpo Värri


- The student can list the essential requirements and practices relating to the acquisition and deployment of health information systems.
- The student has the ability to design and implement health software using user centric design methods.
- The student is aware of the essential regulatory requirements for safety, security and privacy of health information systems.
- The student is aware of the most important health informatics standards and is able to apply the most frequently used standards in Finland.
- The student obtains a general idea of the orgnaisation and the processes of health care, the variety of health information subsystems and how all the parts form the whole health information system.


It is required that the student has obtained good programming skills from his other studies. ( Advisable )
It is recommended that the student has received a B.Sc. degree with a major or minor in software engineering or information management. ( Advisable )
The course TLO-11006 Basics of Information and Knowledge Management TITA-1110 Tietojohtamisen perusteet 1 or TLO-11000 Tietojohtamisen perusteet is recommended. ( Advisable )
Suitable B.Sc. level background study modules are software development and information management. ( Advisable )


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
BMT-57106 Health Care Processes and Information Systems 5 op V  
BMT-57408 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics 5 op V  
BMT-57606 Health Information Systems Laboratory 5 op V  
Yhteensä 15 op  

Pakolliset vaihtoehtoiset opintojaksot

Must be selected at least 5 credits of courses

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vaihtoehtoisuus Vuosikurssi
TIE-04101 Käyttäjäkokemuksen perusteet 5 op 1   IV  
TIE-04107 Basic Course on User Experience 5 op 1   IV  
TIE-41206 Human-Centered Product Development 5 op 1   IV  

1. Valittava 5 opintopistettä. At least one of these courses must be passed. TIE-04101 or TIE-04107 is recommended if the student has not passed it yet because it is a prerequisite to the other one.

Täydentävät opintojaksot

The student is allowed to study more than the required minimum of 25 credits of courses. The student can, for example, choose a focus area like information security, usability, knowledge management or medical signal and image processing and select a set of courses from the chosen area. It is also possible to include the following courses (or their Finnish versions) to this module from the University of Tampere: HEAPH02 Health Promotion, 5 cr, HEAPH03 Health Care Systems and Management, 5 cr and TERKANA4 The Application of Economics to Health Care, 5 cr. From Tampere University of Applied Sciences it is possible to include courses 7Y00CJ66-3001 Terveysteknologiat ja palveluprosessien hallinta 5 cr and 7Y00CJ72 Terveys- ja sosiaalian johtamisjärjestelmät, 5 cr.

Please select at least 5 credits of courses

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Additional information Vuosikurssi
BMT-52606 Processing of Biosignals 5 op V  
BMT-55006 Introduction to Medical Image Processing 5 op V  
BMT-61500 Terveysteknologia 5 op V  
PLA-44006 Health Analytics 5 op V  
SGN-41007 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 5 op IV  
SGN-43006 Knowledge Mining and Big Data 5 op IV  
SGN-54106 Computational Diagnostics 5 op V  
TIE-02201 Ohjelmointi 2: Perusteet 5 op 1 IV  
TIE-02207 Programming 2: Basics 5 op 1 IV  
TIE-02402 Ohjelmointi 3: Tekniikat 5 op 2 IV  
TIE-02408 Programming 3: Techniques 5 op 2 IV  
TIE-22201 Tietokantojen suunnittelu 5 op IV  
TIE-22307 Data-Intensive Programming 5 op IV  
TIE-30406 Network Security 5 op IV  
TIE-30501 Identiteetin ja pääsynhallinta 5 op V  
TIE-30601 Turvallinen ohjelmointi 5 op IV  
TIE-41106 User Interface Design 5 op V  
TIE-41306 User Experience: Design and Evaluation 5 op V  
TLO-11001 Tietojohtamisen perusteet 5 op IV  
TLO-11007 Basics of Information and Knowledge Management 5 op IV  
TLO-32201 Tietohallinto ja sen johtaminen 5 op IV  
TLO-32410 Johdanto datatieteeseen 5 op V  
TLO-35247 Data and Software Business 5 op V  
TLO-35257 Data and Information Management 5 op IV  

1. The courses are mutually exclusive.
2. The courses are mutually exclusive.
3. The courses are mutually exclusive.


This minor is intended particularly to the students majoring in software engineering or information management who already have programming skills before entering this minor.
The goal is to educate experts of health informatics to the growing private and public sector.
The graduates will find jobs in companies producing health information systems or in health care delivery organisations in infromation system management positions.

Contact person: Alpo Värri

Only intended as a minor

Päivittäjä: Korpela Anjariitta, 08.04.2019