Mathematics, 30 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Intermediate Studies


Esko Turunen


- The Intermediate Studies in Mathematics, preceded by the Basic Studies of Natural Sciences, form a strong basis of the international standard to proceed with master-level studies in mathematics. As a minor, the module also supports the other majors of the programme, i.e., Physics and ICT.

After completion of the module, the student has extended his/her theoretical knowledge and understanding of the main branches of Mathematics, namely discrete mathematics, mathematical analysis and also basics of statistical methods used in engineering sciences. The student is able to analytically solve problems and mathematically model real life phenomena. He/she is able to combine experimental results with simple computational models. The student can passably apply his/her knowledge and skills in a working environment.

The core content of the module builds on an abstract mathematical view of the world, analytical thinking, meaningful modeling, and problem solving. The student has strong abilities to make assessments and approximations following the principles of mathematics and natural sciences. The student has strong computational skills that help him/her in problem solving. He/she has also learned group-working skills, reporting, and critical evaluation of experimental results. These skills are essential for the working life and prepare the student for writing a Bachelor's Thesis.


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
MAT-60006 Matrix Algebra 5 op II  
MAT-60056 Algebra 5 op III  
MAT-60106 Complex Analysis 5 op III  
MAT-60156 Differential Equations 5 op II  
Yhteensä 20 op  

Pakolliset vaihtoehtoiset opintojaksot

To be completed to at least to 30 credits

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vaihtoehtoisuus Vuosikurssi
LTT-21106 Bachelor's Thesis Seminar in Science and Engineering 0 op 2   III  
MAT-60206 Mathematical Analysis 5 op 1   III  
MAT-60556 Mathematical Logic 5 op 1   III  
MAT-63506 Scientific Computing 5 op 1   III  

1. Valittava 10 opintopistettä. Select 10 credits to complete the study module to at least to 30 credits.
2. Valittava 0 opintojaksoa. LTT-21106 Bachelor's Thesis Seminar in Science and Engineering is mandatory as part of this study module if the Bachelor's Thesis is written in this subject.

Päivittäjä: Pitkänen Anna, 22.02.2019