Medical Biomaterials, Intermediate Studies as Elective Studies, 20 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Intermediate Studies


Jonathan Massera, Minna Kellomäki


- Students can recognize the application areas and possibilities of biomaterials. They can compare the properties of biomaterials to select the most appropriate materials for a given application
- Students know the basic methodology used in biomaterials.
- Students know the properties of essential biomaterials and is able to relate this properties to their applications.
- Students possess the key concepts and definitions of biomaterials.


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet
Biomaterials 30 op
Medical Biomaterials op


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
BMT-61217 Biomedical Engineering Principles 5 op IV  
BMT-61227 Medical Biomaterials 5 op IV  
BMT-62237 Introduction to Quality and Regulation for Medical Product Development 5 op IV  
BMT-70116 Tissue Engineering Basics 5 op IV  
Yhteensä 20 op  

Täydentävät opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
BMT-61116 Human Anatomy and Physiology 5 op
BMT-73107 Bioceramics and their Clinical Applications 5 op
BMT-73206 Biodegradable Polymers 5 op
BMT-73316 Nanomedicine and Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies 5 op


Biomaterials are a special group of materials, either natural or synthetic in origin, which are designed to positively interact with living systems. The biomaterials minor introduces different classes of biomaterials and several application areas together with the basics of tissue engineering, where biomaterials and cellular regeneration techniques are combined to create advance therapies. The standards and regulations of the R&D of biomaterials is also emphasized. The minor also gives a theoretical introduction to and practicing with medical instrumentation, signals and images, and modeling.

Only intended as a minor

Päivittäjä: Väisänen Outi, 22.02.2019