|Tutkinnot| |Opintokokonaisuudet| |Kaikki| |Jatko| |KV|  |Haku|

Opinto-opas 2006-2007

Multimedia (e)

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Syventävät opinnot


Ireneusz Defee


- Personal multimedia communication is the major growth area in engineering today. Many people across the world in industry and academia work on the design of future generations of mobile radio systems. Multimedia creates the user interface to those new communication equipment and services.
- With multimedia one means an attempt to create a more natural man machine communication by means of combining computer graphics, signal processing, software engineering, knowledge management, computer systems, and telecommunications.
- There are lots of application fields from process control to business planning, from entertainment to nursery. The only limit is the creativity of the mind.

Tutkinnot, joihin opintokokonaisuus voidaan sisällyttää

Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma - International Master's Degree in Information Technology - Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto


The following courses are also recommended as prerequisites: KIE-3426 Thesis Writing in English, 4 cr and KIE-3376 Technical Writing in English, 3 cr.
Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet
Information Technology 25 op


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Students writing their Master's thesis in Multimedia must complete the courses SGN-1986 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar, 1 cr and SGN-1996 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar Presentation, 0 cr.

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
SGN-3106 Digital Video Processing 4 op
SGN-3156 Video Compression 4 op
SGN-4200 Digitaalinen audio 5 op
SGN-5016 Multimedia Signal Processing 4 op
SGN-5106 Multimedia Systems and Communications 4 op
SGN-5706 Multimedia Project 5-8 op
Yhteensä 26 op

Täydentävät opintojaksot

The minimum number of 30 credits for the advanced module shall be completed with studies selected freely from the list below.

Listasta täydennetään opintokokonaisuuden laajuuteen

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
SGN-1986 Signal Processing Thesis Seminar 1 op
SGN-2306 Signal Compression 5 op
SGN-2556 Pattern Recognition 5 op
SGN-2806 Neural Computation 5 op
SGN-4050 Puheen koodaus 5 op
SGN-5200 Multimedia joukkoviestimissä 3 op
SGN-5306 Knowledge Mining 3 op
SGN-5406 Virtual Reality 5 op
SGN-5806 Wireless Ambient Multimedia 5 op
TLT-6506 Digital Mobile Communication Systems 5 op
Yhteensä 42 op

Viimeksi muokattu 21.09.2006
MuokkaajaAntti Niemistö