|Tutkinnot| |Opintokokonaisuudet| |Kaikki| |Jatko| |KV|  |Haku|

Opinto-opas 2006-2007

Software Systems

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Syventävät opinnot


Tommi Mikkonen

Software systems is intended for students, who are interested in implementing software systems, their implementation process, and software project management.


- Good basic understanding of software systems.
- The ability to design and implement software systems.
- The ability to manage and improve software development processes.
- Basis for graduate studies in the future.

Tutkinnot, joihin opintokokonaisuus voidaan sisällyttää

Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma - International Master's Degree in Information Technology - Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet
Computer Science 25 op


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vaihtoehtoisuus
OHJ-3056 Software Engineering Methodology 6 op 1   
OHJ-3506 Software Engineering Project 6-10 op  
OHJ-4046 Concurrency, Advanced Course 3 op  
OHJ-4106 Operating Systems 4 op  
OHJ-4406 Real-time Systems 3 op  
OHJ-5016 Introduction to Distributed Systems 5 op 1   
OHJ-5106 Web Programming 4 op  
Yhteensä 31 op  

1. At least one of these is required. If the student completed a basic module in Computer Science, the alternative course included in that module can not be selected here.


Students writing their Master's thesis in Software Systems must complete the course OHJ-1750 Master's Thesis Seminar, 1 cr.

Following courses are also recommended as prerequisites:
KIE-3426 Thesis Writing in English, 4 cr.
KIE-3376 Technical Writing in English, 3 cr.

Viimeksi muokattu 15.06.2006
MuokkaajaSami Rahkola