Course Catalog 2009-2010

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2009-2010

KIE-3346 Advanced English for Engineers at Work, 3 cr

Person responsible

Sarina Williamson


  Lecture times and places Target group recommended to
Implementation 1

Periods 1 1 - 2

Implementation 2

Periods 1 1 - 2

Implementation 3

Per 3, 4 :
Tuesday 12 - 14, K2116
Thursday 12 - 14, K2116

Implementation 4

Per 3, 4 :
Friday 12 - 14, K2116
Wednesday 12 - 14, K2116



Regular attendance in class (75%) and success in examination at end of course.

Principles and baselines related to teaching and learning


Learning outcomes

The ability to understand and produce quite advanced oral and written English in professional and social situations. CEF skill level = C1. The student will be able to engage in various forms of small talk. The student will be able to participate in both formal and informal meetings using appropriate language. The student will be able to chair a meeting. The student will be able to participate in a short,basic negotiation. The student will be able to write a covering letter and CV to accompany a job application. The student will be able to participate in a short job interview. The student will be able to talk about his or her studies and career; past, present, future and aspirations. The student will be able to produce emails and documents/letters typical of the workplace using appropriate language, styles and register. The student will learn some key terms used in the workplace.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Word study related to salaries, payments and accounts; conditions of employment and key terms used in the workplace.  Cultural background.  Oral comments of teacher and students regarding relevant personal experience. 
2. Typical workplace correspondence.  Surface politeness in letter writing and social situations in different countries. Email writing. Report writing.    
3. Analysis and writing of an effective CV; covering letter; job interview analysis.  Cultural background.  Double meaning and sarcasm in communication in the Irish and British cultures. 
4. Chairing a meeting; participating in formal and informal meetings; participating in a short negotiation.  Cultural background. Idioms for negotiating.  Related anecdotes and stories. 
5. Practising small talk skills.     

Evaluation criteria for the course

A written examination (graded numerically on the ascending scale 1-5).

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
KIE-3200 English for Engineers Mandatory    

Prerequisite relations (Requires logging in to POP)

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
KIE-3346 Advanced English for Engineers at Work, 3 cr 97138 English for Engineers, 2 cu  
KIE-3346 Advanced English for Engineers at Work, 3 cr 97130 Advanced General English, 2 cu  

Additional information

CEF level: C1

More precise information per implementation

  Description Methods of instruction Implementation
Implementation 1 Ryhmä 1: luennot ti 12-14, to 12-14   Lectures
Practical works
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 2 Ryhmä 2: luennot ke 12-14, pe 12-14   Lectures
Practical works
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 3 Ryhmä 3: luennot ti 12-14, to 12-14   Lectures
Practical works
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  
Implementation 4 Ryhmä 4: luennot ke 12-14, pe 12-14   Lectures
Practical works
Contact teaching: 0 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Self-directed learning: 0 %  

Last modified10.03.2010
ModifierSarina Williamson